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I wasn’t about to let him feel like he was the victim here. “First of all, Tyler is not the pack alpha. Second, he doesn’t have the fucking mark or he’d have shown it to everyone.”

“Nobody else has the mark so he’ll be alpha by birth,” Kyle said. “Look, I know you don’t deserve this, but just stop fighting.”

“You’re a prick, you know that? You act like you’re trying to help me but you’re just as bad as them,” I said through gritted teeth.

“You know that’s not the case,” he said. “I’m nothing like them.”

“Oh yeah? Then why didn’t you stand up for me when I was ten and Tyler gave me two black eyes? Where were you when Julian pushed me down the stairs or broke my ribs? Or the time you stood by and watched while Tyler held me under the water in the lake until I passed out?”

“I’m the one who dragged you to shore,” he said.

“Doesn’t make you a good person,” I said. “It makes you a weak follower. You stood by and did nothing. One time of saving me doesn’t undo all the hurt you were silent for.”

Kyle stopped. “We’re here.”

“No comment?” I asked.

“I’m putting you down. Don’t bother running. Julian is in wolf form.” Kyle shifted me so I was brought down from his shoulder.

As soon as my legs hit the ground, they gave way. Kyle caught me, and stabilized me.

“Don’t ever touch me again.” I pushed his hands away from me. I’d rather fall than be helped by him.

“Stubborn to the last,” Tyler said.

“And an utter coward to the last,” I spat.

Tyler’s nostrils flared and he let out a low growl. “Don’t test me.”

“Fuck you.” It wasn’t my best comeback, but who can argue with a classic?

Tyler moved closer to me and I held my ground. Not because I was trying to be overly brave, but because between the throbbing pain and blurred vision, I wasn’t sure I would stay standing if I tried to move.

“I’m going to be overjoyed when I feel our bond break. You were living on borrowed time already. I’m just finishing the job my father should have done.”

I glared at him. There was no way I was going to let Tyler know how much he’d hurt me. In a final act of defiance, I did the only thing I could think of that might cause him any kind of pain. I grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss.

I couldn’t feel the mating bond, but I knew the physical contact would make it stronger. When I died, he’d feel the pain of losing a mate and he’d hate himself for it.

To my surprise, his hands gripped my hips, pulling my body closer to his. His lips moved with mine, deepening the kiss. Heat rose in my chest, and tingles spread down to my core.

His hand traveled up my back as his tongue slipped into my mouth. Fingers tangled in my hair, he pulled me even closer. The kiss was hungry and angry and it felt like I was releasing all of the pent up aggression I had for him into one far too steamy kiss.

My lips felt bruised as heat grew into the kiss. Tyler’s stubble was rough on my cheeks. I hated him with every ounce of my being and I put all my emotions into the movement of my lips.

I was the first to pull away, breaking the connection. Eyes wide, I stared up at him, expecting to see the fire of hatred I’d gotten used to seeing in his gaze. Instead, I saw lust.

And that scared me a whole lot more.

“You think I’ll spare you?” he whispered, his voice heavy with passion.

“No, I think now you’ll be forced to mourn me, even while you still hate me,” I said.

He pushed me, knocking me to the ground. “Get her in there. Make sure she can’t leave. Seal it well.”

Julian grabbed my arm and pulled. I screamed as my shoulder left the socket. He didn’t stop dragging me.

I was somewhere between consciousness as I was dropped in the cave but I forced myself to my knees. Mustering every last bit of strength I had, I glared at the three wolves. “You do realize I’m coming for all of you when I get out of here.”

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