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“What?” Lucas said, palms up, shell-shocked. “You’re the parent. I was waiting for you to put the hammer down.”

“In case you’ve missed the last twenty-four hours, you’re a parent too. You do realize she totally played us, right?”

“I do,” he said, defeated.

“To top it off, we have to eat that vegan shit.” She glanced at the Pyrex dish sitting on the counter as if it were tainted.

He nodded, holding back a smile.

Mia called him Dad.

* * *

So much forgetting her kid, grounding her for infinity and then some, and getting the hell out of Wayward.

In all honesty, it wasn’t so much about Birdie and the consequences she’d have to face for past mistakes.

It was about Mia.

No child should have to pay for the sins of their mother and even though the Chief and Lorraine treated Mia well, the way she deserved, Birdie knew there would be those who wouldn’t.

Getting out of this town was as much about protecting her guileless daughter, as her jaded self.

She rubbed her fingertips against her forehead. Exhausted and played by the female version of the man standing before her, there was one more thing she had to do.

“I’m going into town to get a room.”

But Lucas wasn’t having it. “I must not have made myself clear earlier, there is no chance in hell Erma Jeffries is going to give you a room.”

“Trust me, I have a way with people. I’ve negotiated and won multi-million-dollar contracts when I was told there was no way they would submit to my terms. I’m used to being told no. The sales process doesn’t begin until you get turned down.”

“Oh, like the way you negotiated with the miniature mafia boss upstairs?” he asked, making a strong point. “While you’re walking through your otherworldly negotiating skills at the Wayward Inn, Erma could very well call the cops.”

“That’s not going to happen, you wanna know why?”

His response was to remain silent.


“That’s not going to happen because you’re going to get on the phone, call Erma Jeffries, and ask her to be a decent human being and allow me a room at the inn.”

“What makes you think she’ll listen to me?”

“Because people don’t change, Lukey. And you would rather cut off your right arm than to ask for anything for yourself. People in this town know that. So you’re going to sell this to Erma as a personal favor to you. She’s going to titter and fan herself, because the sexy mayor of Wayward is going to be beholden to her. How could anyone say no to that?”

He lifted one eyebrow. “You think I’m sexy?”

She performed one of her exaggerated eye rolls. It had been a while, but she was sure it was impressive nonetheless. “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”

“You forget, as mayor, I ask the community to do things for me all the time.”

“Au contraire. Those aren’t personal favors; those are favors for those who are less fortunate. But I’ll humor you. Go on and tell me the last time you asked someone to do something that benefited you and you alone.” Hand on her hip, she said, “Go on, I’ll wait.”

She watched his left eye twitch as he leaned back against the counter.

Keeping her eyes peeled to his, she absolutely refused to stare at his masculine forearms. So, she lost herself in dark chocolate eyes that, in the past, had made her feel scrutinized and others, treasured.

Lucas was saved by the bouncing teen, reveling in her victory.

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