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“I know who Chief Walker is, Lucas,” Birdie chastised. “Remember? I was born and raised in Wayward. I was just trying to get Mia to show some proper manners.” She gave the Chief another one of her high-wattage smiles with her hand out.

Lucas caught the Chief’s confusion. Back in the day, Birdie had been known for eye rolls and surliness, not adhering to social norms.

“It’s good to see you again, Chief Walker.”

The Chief glanced at Lucas as if asking if he needed to call for backup. Lucas gave him a blink of his eyes with a slight head nod, and the Chief grasped her hand.

“Good to see you as well, Miss Wellborn.”

“It’s Shepherd now. Mrs. But please call me Birdie.”

“Well… Birdie, you have quite the nice kiddo right here.” The Chief patted Mia on the back. “She and Lorraine spent the day baking and cooking. Even brought over a casserole for y’all. Lorraine knows how the Mayor can forget to eat when he gets busy.”

“Please tell Lorraine thank you and that I said hello.”

“Will do.”

Lucas wasn’t sure if he’d actually do that, as Lorraine was less than happy with Birdie when she skipped town. No longer willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

The town of Wayward and the Walkers had long memories when it came to what Birdie had done so many years ago.

The Chief lumbered toward the door. “I best be gettin’ back. I promised Lorraine we’d watch some show about beefcake cowboys in Montana. I’m telling ya, one minute they want a man who’s sensitive, cries on demand, and shares his feelings. Fifteen minutes later, they want a man with an overabundance of testosterone, who wouldn’t cry if branded with a hot iron, and the mere thought of sharing his feelings a glaring character flaw.”

Lucas followed him toward the door, not daring a response.

The Chief looked behind them, lowered his voice, and asked, “You gonna be okay with her here?”

“I think I can look out for myself. If she gets out of hand, I’m relatively sure I can take her.”

“I know, but she’s not right in the head, according to her mama, God rest her soul.”

“If I remember right, neither was her mama.”

“Can’t argue with that.” The Chief solemnly nodded. “Let me and Lorraine know if you need us to watch Mia again. She’s a sweet little thing. Hard to believe she came from…”

“All right now, better get on home to Lorraine.”

The Chief gave one more concerned glance toward the kitchen. “You got any security cameras? You might want to keep an eye on her.”

“I’ll do that,” Lucas said, before closing the door behind him. Thinking it more difficult to keep his eyes off the woman.

He returned to the kitchen where Birdie was telling Mia to get her bookbag, that it was time to go.

Mia’s chin rose in defiance. Holding her ground.

“But I’m not ready to go.”

Birdie took a deep breath. “You did what you came to do, without my permission I might add, which was to meet your dad. Mission accomplished. Now, do as your told and get your things.”

Mia turned to Lucas, and he considered diving behind the couch when he saw those big doe-eyes looking up at him pleadingly.

“I can stay a while longer, can’t I?” she asked. “You know, to get to know you better.”

“I don’t think…”

Sensing indecision she blurted, “I won’t be a problem. I’ll even help around the house. I can do dishes and make the beds. I’ve got a chore list at home. You could make me one too.”

“Mia Beatriz Shepherd,” Birdie said with a harsh tone. “Go get your bookbag, now.”

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