Page 5 of His Dancer

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Cautiously, I watch as his two men walk out of the room, leaving me alone with their boss. I do my best not to stare at him and instead look at the floor. Goose bumps pebble my flesh, and I wonder if I can do this? Be naked in front of a man I don’t know, who I just met. If I was anyone else, I guess it wouldn’t be a problem, but I’m me. Inexperienced and shy.

The man’s handsome enough in a rugged way that makes you wonder what he’s been through. I allow myself a reprieve to check him out; his hair’s dark brown, almost the color of melted chocolate, and cut close to his scalp with a little longer length on top. But it’s his eyes, the piercing gray-blue color, that send me into a tailspin of emotions.

One single look and I feel like he’s peering into my soul.

I bite my bottom lip to keep from saying anything. According to him, my brother and I are already in deep, even though I don’t have a brother and have never met this man before. Now I have no choice but to pay off a debt for a person I don’t know. I didn’t think the night could get any worse, but I guess the universe had other plans.

The tension in his features disappears after a moment, and I notice the way his jaw unclenches and he relaxes into his chair. It’s like watching butter melt in a pan.

“You seem different now.” The words slip out before I can stop them, and I place a hand over my mouth, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I don’t want to converse with this man. I want to run away from him.

Something unknown glimmers in his eye. “Because I want to see you naked, and because I have an image to uphold in front of my men...” He trails off and looks away, frowning, almost as if he is angry with himself for saying it.

All I can do is nod. I had hoped he would forget about me getting naked, but it seems I don’t have a choice. I don’t know what else to do. I turn to look back at the door and calculate my odds of escaping. They aren’t good ones.

I'll never get out of this room before he can get a hold of me.

“If you’re thinking of running, don’t. I’ll catch you, and when I do, you’ll wish you had obeyed me the first time.”

The sound of his voice and his words whip through me, leaving me breathless. There is no escape. With trembling fingers, I tug my apron free and toss it to the floor. Next comes my shirt, and then my black leggings. I can feel the nervous energy buzzing through me. I’m afraid of what will happen next, but beneath that fear is something else. A spark of excitement. It’s wrong to feel the things I’m feeling, and I push those emotions aside, telling myself they’re nothing but an adrenaline rush.

I remove my bra next, sliding the straps down my shoulders, and I wonder if he can see my heart beating out of my chest from where he sits on the other side of his desk.

The cold air kisses my skin, and my nipples harden at the change of temperature. Those dark, depraved eyes of his trail over my naked chest and down my body, blazing a path of fire along the way.

All that’s left are my panties, and my hands shake as I shove my thumbs into the waistband of the cotton.

“What happened?” His voice startles me, and my eyes dart to his. He must sense my confusion because he continues, “Your leg. What happened to your leg?”

Emotion clogs my throat at the memory of the accident and all that I lost that day. I was going to do something with my life, but now, now I have nothing.

I drop my gaze and look at the floor. “I was in a bad car accident a couple of years ago.” It’s all I can manage to get out between my trembling lips.

Standing before this man I don’t know, being accused of something I never did, I’ve never felt more exposed. It’s made even worse with my ugly scar on display. I do everything possible to keep it hidden, but there’s no hiding from the man in front of me.

The mounting pressure on my chest grows with each breath I take, and soon, I feel the heavy tears sliding down my cheeks.

I don’t bother trying to hide my tears. What would be the point anyway?

My body shudders, and I wrap my arms around myself to ease the chill in my bones. I know he’s going to get up from his desk and take me out to his men at any second. He’s already threatened me once.

More tears fall at the mere thought, and my cries become full sobs. His chair squeaks as he shoves out of it a moment later, and his heavy footfalls meet my ears as he walks over to me. I still don’t look up from the floor, though. I don’t want him to see how weak I am right now.

Something strange happens in the next instant, and I’m left more confused than I’ve ever been in my life. He takes me into his arms, lifting and holding me to his chest. He cradles me, and my head rests against his shoulder. I suck a ragged breath into my lungs, and his manly scent fills my nose. He smells like leather, whiskey, and danger.

A sob rips through me, and I let all my fears and anxiety pour out of me. I don’t know what will happen next or when this time with him being kind to me will end, but I feel protected and warm in his arms. Stupidly, I don’t want him to let me go.

“Shhh… everything is going to be okay, Leanna.”

With heavy lashes, I blink, realizing he called me Leanna and not Cara. A light bulb goes off in my head, and suddenly, the missing pieces of the puzzle come together.

“Did you just call me Leanna?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

Ace peers down at me, his eyes shining, and seeing him this close, he is far more handsome than I initially thought.

“Yes, that’s your name, isn’t it?”

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