Page 14 of His Dancer

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Ican’t believe I let Ace touch me the way he did, and even more than that—I let him mark me and rub his release into my skin. It was heady, the sensation of his cum over my chest. I wanted to lie back and ask him to do it again. To cover me in him. What the hell is wrong with me? The danger must be going to my head because I’ve never been this way with any man before.

Not that I have a lot of experience or anything. I’ve only been with one guy, and after he took my virginity, he ran for the hills. This isn’t like that at all. The dark, depraved look Ace is giving me right now tells me he wants to spread my legs and devour me.

My lips are swollen from our kissing, and my heart beats as if it’s going to burst from my chest and fly away. I’m terrified of what’s to come next, but at the same time, there’s a burning need for this man in my veins. A curiosity. Is it wrong that I want him? A man I don’t know? Who kidnapped me and threatened me? My thighs tighten.

“I want you to come back to my place with me. Spend the night.” Maybe his words are intended to be a request, but that’s not how it sounds. It sounds more like a demand.

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” I ask hesitantly even as I feel the remains of his cum start to dry on my chest. My face feels hot, and I slowly cover myself, very aware that I’m still sitting on the floor, half-naked.

“Don’t,” he warns. I freeze with my hands cupped over my breasts. He gives me a hard look and then slowly lowers his eyes down, pointedly staring at where I’m covering myself.

I don’t know what comes over me. Were he anyone else, I would flip him the bird and immediately get up and grab my shit and leave. There’s something about Ace, though, and I find I don’t want to. Even if I could—even if I had the choice—I’m not sure I would. My arms slowly lower back to my sides, and he continues the conversation as if it’s perfectly normal for me to sit here with my breasts exposed to him.

He offers me a hand and lifts me to stand. “You will come,” he says.

“We don’t really know each other,” I point out, taking my hand back and glancing away awkwardly, excessively aware of how I must look to him right now, “and we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot.”

My words seem almost hollow, and a part of me can’t believe I’m saying all of this after what I just let him do to me. Going back to his place shouldn’t really be that big of a deal when he’s … when we’ve just … I shake my head, letting that train of thought disperse.

“The only way to get to know each other is to spend time together.” I turn my head and face him once more at those words. Surprisingly, he’s not gawking at my appearance. Instead, his eyes are settled firmly on my face, and there’s a heat within them. “After what we just did, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. We’ll get to know each other, sweet Cara, make no mistake.”

Again, it sounds more like a command than a suggestion. Like there’s really no other choice in the matter now. Why does that thought make my heart race, though? My hands come forward, twisting together. Nervousness makes me fidget, and though I know that’s what I’m doing right now, practically broadcasting my own thoughts to him, I can’t help it.

Cool air washes over my nipples, making them hard. Oh, how I wish he’d let me leave or at least pull something on. I feel vulnerable in front of him like this. A practical sacrifice to his desires. Sacrifices don’t normally like it, though, which just makes me think I’m the one who’s fucked up because I do. Oh, how I do.

Standing here, before him, covered in his cum with my chest on display all because he demanded it with his actions, because he wants it, makes me hot. Makes me want to accept his offer, and that, too, scares me.

Ace steps closer to me, and his hand moves forward, taking one of mine and cradling it against his palm to stop my movements. I don’t know what I expected from him, but it wasn’t … warmth. I look up and meet his eyes, and I know that he sees my fear, my uncertainty. There’s no doubt in my mind that he sees it all. I’m not exactly good at masking my thoughts. I never really considered that I might have to. Even if I was good at it, though, I have the distinct feeling that in the face of this man, it wouldn’t matter. He’s far more perceptive than most.

“There’s nothing to fear,” he says quietly. “There’s nothing to be worried about. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

His words penetrate my brain. He’s not wrong. So far, nothing he’s done—aside from kidnapping me—has been against my will. I nod because Ace is dark and definitely dangerous, but I don’t think he would do anything to endanger me. Not when he’s had the chance to do so more than once. Why would he? He has no reason to.

“Okay,” I finally say, exhaling as I give in. “I’ll come.”

Ace’s lips spread into a smile, and seeing him go from dark and serious to smiling damn near turns me into a puddle at his feet. He’s sexy as a brooding man, but when he smiles … he could kill. It’s both terrifying and orgasm-inducing. I suck in a quick breath as his hand clamps down on mine, and more of that warmth pours through me.

A part of me wants to deny it, but the truth is … I feel safe with him. I feel protected as if nothing can hurt me. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says.

Ace releases me and disappears out of the door for a moment before he returns with a clean but warm and damp towel, which he uses to wipe the cum from my chest. With each pass over my breasts and nipples, I try not to show just how much he affects me.

It’s only when I’m completely dressed, and he takes my hand, squeezing it as he leads me out of the restaurant together like a normal, happy couple, that I realize I agreed to follow a criminal.

He might not act like one all of the time. He might treat me like a princess when we’re no longer in private, walking me to the car, opening the door, and handing me inside like a gentleman, but the fact is … he’s more complex.

I tuck my hands into my lap after buckling, wondering if I’m doing the right thing.

He’s a criminal, and I’m just a poor girl trying to make it through life.

* * *

As we pullonto a one-lane road and pass through a copse of trees, my jaw practically falls to the floor of the vehicle I’m in. The building in front of me is a massive multi-story fucking compound. The first thing I can think is holy shit, it’s huge. It’s not a freaking house at all; it’s a mansion. My eyes cut to Ace as he navigates the SUV down the long gated driveway, and I try my best to keep my face from showcasing my shock and awe.

I doubt I’m any good at it, though, because as I watch him—my gaze flickering between his face and the mountain of a building before us—I see the corner of his lips tilt up. Just what the hell have I gotten myself into? I knew the man had money, especially when he offered to pay for my tuition in return for a dance, but there are different levels of rich. I thought Ace was normal rich, maybe even rich nouveau, but now I’m starting to think maybe there’s more to the story behind his money because I certainly didn’t expect this.

“You okay?” he asks as the SUV slows to a stop in front of the four-car garage attached to the main building. Ace puts the car into park and then glances at me, meeting my eyes for the first time since he put me in.

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