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“This is different, and you know it,” I growl, clenching my fist to stop myself from slugging him. He needs some sense knocked into him. I’m tired of it. Tired of him pretending there isn’t something deeper going on here. Yes, we kidnapped her in hopes of using her, but things have changed.

“She is nothing!” Declan screams in my face, the veins in his forehead bulge with barely restrained rage and I know I’ve struck a nerve.

I stand toe to toe with him, my eyes bleeding into his. “You keep saying that, but it’s almost like you’re trying to convince yourself, more than me or even Wes.”

“We aren’t taking her to a doctor,” he grits out through his teeth.

“You’re right. We aren’t doing shit. I’ll take her myself if you won’t.”

“I’ll break your legs before I let you walk out of here with her!”

“Assholes!” Wes comes in interrupting our screaming match. “She is breathing funny, you need to come and check on her.”

For someone who doesn’t give a shit, Declan starts moving pretty fast, hell, he’s almost running into my bedroom. I’m right on his heels of course, because unlike him I actually fucking care. I watch Declan sit down on the edge of the bed, listening to her chest with the stethoscope.

I don’t know why the fuck he bothers, I can hear her wheezing and uneven breathing from here. Something that looks like worry crosses his features.

“Let’s put some fucking clothes on her,” Declan finally says, and I damn near sigh. “We can’t take her anywhere naked.”

Thank fucking god.

Wes and I start gathering some clothes that she can wear and then we start dressing her. The sweatpants are way too big on her, but it will have to do. I wrap her up in a blanket and pick her up holding her to my chest. Her face is still, her skin pale, even though she’s burning up with a fever. If she had died a few days ago, I wouldn’t have cared one bit, but now, now I don’t even want to fucking think about such a thing happening.

“Grab my laptop, I’ll hack into the hospital’s computer on the way,” I call out to Wes.

Leaving is a risk, but it’s one we’ll have to take if we want to keep her alive.

“I’ll grab a couple weapons on the way out. You know…just in case,” Wes says before we all head toward the elevator. Declan places a hand on my shoulder stopping me before I enter.

“If this ends badly it’s on you,” he warns as if I didn’t already know.

“Yeah, and if she dies, it’s on you. So, I guess we’re even,” I sneer back. I know I can’t be mad at him forever, he’s doing what he thinks is best forus, but it’s not just about us anymore. It’s about her and us. She’s as much a victim to her father’s bullshit as we are, and I’m hoping when all of this is done Declan can see that.

By the time we get to the hospital, we have a well thought out plan as to how we’re going to do this without getting caught. Declan’s agreed on taking her inside, pretending to be her boyfriend, while I stay outside and work on the computer while Wes keeps an eye on the perimeter. It’s not the best plan, but it’s as solid as it’s going to get.

If everything goes according to plan, we’ll be in and out, with a bottle of antibiotics and maybe a breathing treatment in no time. At least that’s all we can hope for. All I know is that I won’t let Jessa die. We didn’t make it through all that we have just to lose her.

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