Page 35 of Rekindled Love

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“I don’t know. Really want to get this over with.”

“Listen to me, okay. You could get twice this and have something put aside if you have trouble finding work, or get in a rut. It’s the right decision.” I tried to explain to her, hoping to convince her to do it.

“Sounds good, so I’m accepting whatever comes next. So work your magic.”

After counter offering in the divorce settlement, Stacy ended up getting half of his assets including the house and her car and awarded $850,000. Her husband was an obscenely wealthy man, so he would still be able to live well off without the $850,000.

I had to keep myself from texting him. He needed to pursue me, not the other way around. All the hours I spent making sure he was okay, and then he pushed me away.

A couple weeks drifted by, I poured myself into my cases, trying to keep myself from thinking of him. I hadn’t talked to him in weeks, and I refused to make the first attempt.

One day, I got home from work, settled in and my phone chimed.

Abigail: Guess who has a girlfriend?

Me: Who?

Abigail: Sebastian

I can say reading the text wasn’t pleasing. I always hoped we would resume where we were before, but I was so mad. I needed to know the details.

Me: What do you mean? He’s been so busy.

Abigail: Yeah, but I think it’s our fault. He was sorta depressed one day so we took him out. This girl, Renee, wouldn’t leave him alone. Low and behold, he took her home.

How did I not know he had a girlfriend? Apparently, we don’t talk about everything like we used to. How could he do this to me? My anger started getting worse, and I needed a glass of wine.

Not even twenty minutes later, Sebastian called.

“Hey, how are ya?” He said, I could sense his smile from the other end.

“Good, you?” I wanted so badly to ask what the hell was going on, but it wasn’t any of my business.

“Good, listen I need a favor.”

Silence erupted on the call. I took a minute to take a deep breath before jumping into whatever he needed of me. “What?”

“I need help. Like picking out a gift for Renee. We have Abigail’s Christmas party and I forgot to get Renee something.”

Why was he calling me for help? I felt stabbed in the back and hurt. How could he push me away, but then get into a relationship with her? I wonder what she was like. If Sebastian forgot to get her a gift, then does that mean he doesn’t think about her all the time? If they were doing good, wouldn’t he be?

“Out of everyone, why me?” I said, as calmly as I could. “You haven’t really talked to me since you got your casts off.”

“Oh... I thought you were sick of me. You had to take care of me, I....”

“Whatever... guess you don’t really have an answer... meet you tomorrow at two before the party.”

I felt like he was rubbing her in my face. We were supposed to be together, and instead he’s dating this Renee chick. What made her better than me? I had to find out.

Me: Listen, I’ve got to help him pick out a girl for this girl. He forgot to get her something. Out of everyone he called me. A part of me feels like he used me to get laid, and then just threw me away.

Abigail: Well obviously they aren’t doing too well. What man who is in love forgets to get a gift? Girl, I don’t think he knows what he’s doing.

Me: Right?! I was thinking the same thing.

Abigail: Be careful, she’s jealous.

Me: How do you know?

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