Page 29 of Rekindled Love

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I smiled at him when his eyes met mine,” It’s nice to see those gorgeous eyes of yours again.”

“Jonathan, am I hallucinating or are you in a hospital? Aren’t you terrified of hospitals?” he asked.

“I would do anything for you. You're my best friend.”

He was awake, but the screen above him hooked to all the wires showed his blood pressure at 210 over 98. I knew that’s too high.“Alright, I know I wanted you to wake up, but you need to rest until the doctor comes back to check on you. I’ll go let the nurses know you woke up.”

Chapter 13


My head was pounding, and the pain was coming from everywhere. The last thing I remembered was slowing down at a stop light. The rest’s a blur.

“How long have I been here?” I asked, not knowing if I wanted to hear the answer.

Camilla replied, “almost two days.”

Holy shit! Two days?

“Drunk driver. No surprise there, that asshole.” She wiped a tear from her face.

I took a look to assess the damage. I could only see out of one eye, and one of my arms and legs were in casts which meant they were most likely broken. How the hell was I going to get around like this? That’s when it hit me, it would be a couple of weeks, maybe months before I’ll be back to normal again.

“Where’s my doctor? I don’t feel like sleeping. I’d rather know what my recovery looks like right now.” I said to Jonathan.

“I got you, bro. Let me go tell the nurse.”

I was normally the one taking care of others in the hospital, and so I wasn’t used to not being able to do things myself.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Dr. Doerr said, walking in with a smile on his face.

“So you’re the lucky doctor who got stuck with me as a patient, huh?” I laughed. Doerr and I have done surgeries together, and he’s a great doctor.

“We were worried about cha. A couple of the other doctors have come in to check on ya. We’re glad you are awake.”

“Listen, what do you think, four weeks til I can come back to work?” I asked, hoping he’ll agree.

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