Page 71 of Merciless Heir

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“Beautiful,” she says, her eyes roving over the design.

“It’s us,” I admit. “Georgia designed it for when we finally found you and we were all together. Except I added one more surprise. This is Georgia,” I say, pointing to a bright star beside my own. “And this hummingbird floating above it all is Mama.”

“This is so surreal. I never had a family, and then to discover you were here all along.” She smiles, tears shining in her eyes.

“You won’t be able to get rid of us,” I say. We stand and I hug her, holding her close to my chest. Where I hope she stays for a long time.



They say people can hear everything around them when they’re in a coma, but that was not my experience. I heard nothing, felt nothing, experienced nothing, but the yawning black void I was locked in. One moment I was floating through a sea of darkness, and the next moment I’m staring into Andrei’s troubled amber eyes.

“Andrei,” I croak. My body is clammy with sweat, my mouth dry and fuzzy.

“I’m here.” He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning in close, emotion etched on his handsome features. “I’m here for you.”

Staying very still so as not to jostle my throbbing skull, I blink rapidly, my eyes still adjusting to the bright room. Andrei is quick to jump up and draw the curtains. I’m surprised to find I’m in Andrei’s bedroom and not a hospital room. There are machines and medical gear everywhere.

“How long have I been out for?”

“Three days.” He holds up a glass of water with a straw for me and I drink thirstily. “Can you remember anything?”

I wince. “I remember all of it.” Memories flood my brain, from Andrei finding me quivering on the floor of a closet, to the victorious moment I shot Oleg between the eyes. All of it is seared into my brain—the bad and the good—crystal clear.

His eyes go soft. It’s then that I notice the scruff on his usually clean-shaven face, the dark circles under his eyes, and the cuts and scrapes on his face.

“You were a serious bad-ass. I knew you were amazing, but that was some next level shit.” He shakes his head, turmoil flaring in his eyes. “God, you nearly died, and all because of me. I should have never—”

“Stop.” I say, gently placing a hand on his chest. “I don’t regret anything. None of it. From the moment you took me from Oleg’s house to right now, being here with you.”

His chest expands with a deep breath, his expression turning bleak as he says quietly, “It was pure torture sitting here these last few days, helpless. Unsure what it would be like when you woke up. Not even sure if you’d remember me or if you’d still be the sameperson after all of this.”

“I’m here, and I’m all right, I promise.” I reach out, my fingers tangling with his. The sight of him fills me with a heavy longing. I am dying for him to touch me, hold me, to show me that our love is enough to take on this world together.

“I should call the doctor.”

“In a moment. Is everyone okay? Where is Kira?” I need to know that she made it out of that hellish warehouse alive.

“We’re okay. No critical injuries to report. Kira is banged up but alive. She’s here with us.” His lips curl up into a sweet smile. “Where she belongs.”

Breath whooshes out of me in relief. “I was so scared that it was going to end badly. That you’d hurt her and never forgive yourself.”

He brushes his hand down my cheek, capturing my chin with his finger and thumb. “It was never on you to tell her. Or to find her. None of this was on you.” His eyes sear into mine—his devastation clear. “I need you to know something. I was not going to let you go to Oleg. When the time came, I couldn’t go through with it.”

I blink and swallow hard, my chest tightening as I absorb his words. He was willing to sacrifice the most important thing to him in the world—finding Kira—for me, for my happiness. My mind echoes back to the helicopter when I was in and out of consciousness.

When he saidI love you.

“You have your freedom, krasotka. You and your father are free to go anywhere, no strings attached.”

What!? My heart slams against my ribs. “You think I’m going to leave you?”

He stills, swiping a frustrated hand along the back of his neck. “This is not the world for you. It’s ugly and cruel. I want better for you, I want only good things for you, and there’s nothing good to be found in my life.”

My gut twists. After everything, he’s letting me go without a fight?

“Oh, so you’ve decided what’s best for me.” I wish I had the strength to sit up straight and cross my arms to show my displeasure, but I don’t. Instead, I glare daggers at him. Tears spring to my eyes, but I swallow them back down, refusing to let them fall.

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