Page 7 of Merciless Heir

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Judging by the brief helicopter journey, we couldn’t be too far from New Jersey, but I have little else to go on. Andrei blindfolded me and placed noise-canceling headphones over my ears the moment we got into the helicopter. It was discombobulating to have my senses cut off like that… and also eye-opening. My face heats remembering how my remaining senses lasered in on the press of his powerful thigh against my own, the smell of his smokey after-shave and the light as a feather touch as he trailed a seductive finger down my bare arm.

It only reinforced what I already knew about him.

Andrei Kozlov is a monster.

A cold-blooded killer.

I should know. I eavesdropped on Oleg’s guards every chance I got, and my, my, they were a gossipy bunch.

Word is at age thirty-two, Andrei is the youngest bratva boss, and the only head to be U.S.-born. Like Oleg, he’s powerful and ruthless, yet the two families are enemies. I don’t know why, but after today’s attack, it’s clear that there is no love lost between them.

I leave my space by the window and flop down on the bed, taking in the cool, silky-smooth feel of the satin sheets beneath me. I still don’t know why I’m here. The only thing I am certain of is that I’m a pawn in a game that’s being played by two powerful families. I’ll never forget the gruesome sight of dead bodies and blood splayed over the Italian marble floor of the foyer. All at the hands of Andrei and his men. He may have spared my life today, but I know he will make impossible demands judging by the dark look in his amber eyes.

Heavy footsteps in the hallway interrupt my thoughts. The door swings open and Andrei stands in the doorway, looking menacing, and god help me, bloody sexy. Dark blond hair curls just below his ears, softening his angular cheekbones and roman nose. Stubble covers his strong jaw and the cleft in his chin. Damn, that cleft. I’ll never understand why a little indent is attractive, but on Andrei it most definitely is.

He is—in one word—striking. Especially now, with his dress shirt rolled up to reveal thick-veiny forearms covered in dark snaking tattoos that continue down over his knuckles.

A cold, shivery sensation moves through me, but I won’t let him see my intimidation. I rise from the bed, squaring my shoulders and force a bland expression on my face—one that I hope says I won’t be pushed around.

Or worse, seduced.

“Have you finally come to your senses and realized that I’m not worth the trouble?” I point to the shards of vase on the gleaming hardwood floor.

“Nice to see you too, krasotka,” he says, a lazy smile playing on his lips. I don’t know what krasotka means, but I have a feeling I won’t like it. He eyes the smashed antiques, his face unreadable. “And no, that’s not why I’m here. I brought you proper clothes and food,” he says, holding up a shopping bag in one hand and a White Castle bag in the other.

“Burgers. Really?” Where did he even get takeout? As far as I can tell, we're nowhere near civilization. I don’t bother asking, since I don’t imagine he’d tell me the truth.

His jaw tenses. “You need to eat. And everyone likes White Castle.”

“I’m not hungry, and I don’t like White Castle,” I lie. I fucking love White Castle. “No need for pretty clothes, either. I won’t be here long enough to make use of them. Even if you haven’t come to your senses yet, you will when you realize I know nothing of Oleg’s business. Other than telling you what brand of laundry detergent he prefers, I really can’t provide you with any valuable information.”

An amused grin touches his lips, and he steps forward, thrusting the White Castle bag into my hands. When the smell of deliciousness hits my nostrils, my will to argue disappears.

“You know more than you think you do,” Andrei says. His deep voice wraps around me, sending a shiver down my spine. “But that’s not the only reason you’re here, Georgia. You intrigue me. And the fact that I took you from Oleg brings me great pleasure.”

Oh fuck. I never meant to be intriguing. A hot flush crawls up my neck and spreads over my face. Of course, I want nothing to do with this man, with this monster. Except, he sure doesn’t look like a monster. I would salivate over him if we met under different circumstances. If I didn’t know he inhabits the same despicable world that Oleg does, the same world of corruption and lies that hurt my father. That hurt me.

Yet, unlike Oleg, Andrei doesn’t repulse me. I find his attention fascinating.

And that’s what scares me the most.

Needing to put an end to this charged moment, I put down the food and clothes and glare up at him.

“You can’t be serious. Oleg won’t know and certainly won’t care that I am gone. He has bigger fish to fry now that you burned down his estate.” Pausing for a breath, I soften my tone. An attempt to appeal to his human side, assuming he has one. “I have a life back in Brooklyn. My father needs me. It’s just the two of us. Please. I don’t belong here.”

Only half of that statement is true. My life is not my own. While my high school friends moved on to college, and relationships and fun, my only focus was working to keep the restaurant open and food on our table.

There’s no mercy in Andrei’s eyes, just a hard stare that lingers too long on my mouth. “It’s true. You don’t belong in this foul underworld, but unfortunately, you got tangled up with some very bad men, me included. Now here you are.”

A sick sensation spreads through me. There is no soft side to this man and I don’t know why I thought there was. He’s as frigid as they come.

Andrei approaches, his imposing form crowding me back against the wall, caging me between his powerful arms. Waves of danger ripple over his skin, his broad shoulders tight beneath his dress shirt, his golden eyes intense. My traitorous body responds to his proximity; a buzz in my veins that only seems to grow the closer he comes.

“Get away from me,” I spit. “I don’t want this and I don’t want you.”

“What is it you don’t want?” he whispers. His breath ghosts over my ear.

“You. Anything to do with you or your brotherhood.” My cheeks burn and my heart hammers.

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