Page 4 of Merciless Heir

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“I work here. I’m a maid,” she says, fighting to keep her voice steady.

I smirk and gesture at her outfit. “Dressed like that, I find it hard to believe you can do much cleaning.”

“This is the uniform he makes us wear.” Catching my doubtful expression, she releases a huff of irritation. “I’m not a… a prostitute, if that’s what you think.”

“That’s exactly what I think you are. So how about you tell me the truth? Keep on playing games and you’ll join me and my men downstairs. Trust me when I tell you, we have somefunways of getting people to talk.”

Her fingers curl into fists by her side and a red flush overtakes her face and travels downward towards her chest. My eyes land on overflowing tits, when a flicker of something catches my attention.

“Don’t move.” I press my gun against her ribs, while my other hand travels down the front of her dress. I feel soft skin, lush breasts and then something else entirely. She gasps as I pull out a wad of cash from the inside of her bra.

“Interesting.” I tilt my head and study her more closely. “Very interesting. I think it’s time you started talking,krasotka. Start with your name.”

“Georgia, my name is Georgia Doukas.” Her words come out surprisingly strong. “The money is Oleg’s. I took it from under his mattress, but I swear I know nothing. Please, just let me go. I’ll walk away and tell no one about this.”

“Oh, there’s no need to be discreet. I want Oleg to know it was the Kozlovs behind this attack.” Recognition lights up her eyes. The Kozlov Bratva is notorious throughout the Tri-State area. My family is just as powerful and connected as the Antonovs. More so since I took over aspakhanafter my father’s assassination. We’re not flashy or loud, but we rule with an iron fist.

Silence descends. She blinks up at me but doesn’t move a muscle. Whether it’s fear or just plain stupidity that keeps her silent, I don’t know, but I’m losing patience.

“I don’t have time for this shit.” I raise my gun to her head. “You’re clearly fucking him, which means you know something. So how about you tell me where he is and we get this over with?”

She swallows hard, flinching at the muzzle against her temple. “I have no idea. I really—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me,” I roar, clicking the safety of my gun.

“Please, I’m not doing anything with him. I’m nothing to Oleg,” she gasps, shaking like a leaf. “My father borrowed money from him and wasn’t able to repay the loan. I’m working off my family’s debt.” When I raise my eyebrows she adds, “As a maid. That’s what I agreed to at least, but he wanted more. I needed to get out of here.”

Pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The money, the gun. “You were trying to escape,” I say plainly. Though escape doesn’t prove her innocence. I’m sure all of Oleg’s lovers attempted to escape him at one point or another.

Georgia’s nostrils flare. “Yes. I’ve only been here for a few weeks. I know nothing, have seen nothing. I’ll be of no use to you.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” I smile wolfishly. “I think you could prove very useful to me.”

Her fear gives way to anger as she glares daggers at me. I almost applaud her spirit, standing up to the big bad mobster. There’s something about her—the intensity of her gaze, the way she holds her head high, the stubborn angle of her chin—that intrigues me. And it would give me no greater pleasure than to take what Oleg considers his property.

“New plan,” I tell her. “You’re coming with me.”

“What!? No!” Her body tenses in panic. “Why do you want me?”

“I don’t know yet. But I have a feeling you’re going to be useful.”

Despite her fierce expression, tears trail down her cheeks. But I’m immune to tears, as I’m immune to all displays of emotion. My hand is firm on her arm. “You can either come with me, or fold yourself back in that closet while we turn this compound into an inferno. Your choice.”

“That’s a really shitty choice,” she seethes. Again, that feisty spirit. Attraction roars to life. I don’t know if I should spank her ass or kiss her. Although both options sound equally compelling.

“Ticktock, sweetheart. What will it be?”

“What will what be?” A voice echoes behind me. Turning, I find Daniil, my younger brother, watching us intently from the doorway. “Well, well, who is this?” The look of carnal interest he gives Georgia tightens my stomach.

“This is Georgia. She was Oleg’s maid. Now she’s coming with us.”

“A maid, huh?” Daniil looks amused as he takes in her barely there uniform. The sneer on Georgia’s face tells me she’s enjoying my brother’s blatant perusal as much as I am—meaning not at all. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I came here to tell you we need to wrap up.”

“Did you hear that?” I turn to Georgia, standing as rigid as a board. “It’s time for us to go.”

Daniil cocks an eyebrow when he realizes I’m serious about taking Georgia with us, but he says nothing—he knows better than to question my authority in front of an outsider. When we’re alone, it’s a different story. With a quick nod, he says, “I’ll lead the way.”

“I’m not going with you.” She rips her arm out of my grip and her eyes dart to the open door behind Daniil, as if she’s considering making a run for it. Even if Daniil and I weren’t both heavily armed, she wouldn’t get far. But it seems she needs a reminder that we’re the ones in charge.

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