Page 23 of Merciless Heir

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According to the detailed reports that land on our desk every morning, Georgia has made great strides in everything but firearms. She’s refused to pick up a gun, even once. Boris may not know what to do with her, but I sure do.

“She’ll be more than capable when I’m done with her,” I say. “If Boris can’t teach her to fire a gun, I will.”

“I’m sure the head of the Kozlov Bratva has better things to do than target practice with a noob. Unless you think you’re the only one she’ll listen to.” Daniil gives me a slow, evil smile.

I grunt in annoyance. “She’s integral to finding Kira, therefore teaching her to use a gun is worth my time. Now, can we just drop this?”

But he can’t. Daniil is nothing if not persistent. “She won’t be off-limits forever. When this business is done—”

“Yeah, then what?” I run an agitated hand through my hair. “You know the life that we live, the danger any woman involved with us is exposed to. If you don’t have the seed of darkness planted firmly in your DNA, and Georgia most definitely does not, there’s no surviving this world. Mama didn’t.”

Daniil and Leo both flinch. I shouldn’t have mentioned our mother. It’s a sore spot, but it’s also the truth. Our mother married into the world of the bratva, but never got used to the ugliness of this life. Papa did his best to keep his terrible deeds quiet but when he came home with dried blood underneath his fingernails and stacks of cash hidden in a briefcase, there was no mistaking the world in which he operated.

“I think you underestimate Georgia.” Leo takes me in with those sharp eyes of his. “She’s tough. There’s fire in her blood. She’ll survive Oleg, and she might just survive you.”

“Why would she have to survive me?”

“I think we all know why. You look at her like she’s your next meal, and you haven’t eaten in weeks.” Leo and Daniil exchange an amused look as I shoot daggers their way.

I stand and stretch out my body, sore from another night of restless sleep. Another night of restraining myself from going to Georgia’s room and waking her up with my head between her legs.

I grit my teeth and do the best to ignore my suddenly hard as steel dick.

Leo leans back in his seat, resting his head in his hands. “You need to work out some of this restless energy. Go to the club. You can always exorcize some of your demons out on the many willing females that will be overjoyed at your presence.” The Dark Side. A sex club staple in the bratva for men like me who love control and crave a certain kind of release. It’s true. I haven’t been there in ages, the responsibility of being pakhan bleeding into my every waking hour.

Before Papa’s death, I was a regular at Dark Side, unleashing my sexual urges on any willing female under the cloak of anonymity. My brothers may be onto something—I have to be proactive to get Georgia off my mind.

“I think you’re right.” I crack my knuckles. “After this shit-storm of a week, a little fun is called for.”

“I’d offer to join,” Daniil says, “but after this garbage with Pavel, I have my work cut out for me.” Daniil is a womanizer through and through. I’m not much better, I suppose, but for him to turn down a night of mindless, kinky as hell sex… I guess we’re all off our game.

“I’ll stay and help,” I offer.

“Nah, we’ve got it covered.” Leo shoos me off with his hand. “Go work out your demons tonight. Maybe you’ll stop being such a grumpy asshole.”

“Hilarious,” I grunt, although maybe he’s onto something. I’ve had an even shorter fuse than usual since a bratty captive with a plush mouth and fuckable body landed in my home.

I need the release that only a gorgeous woman—or three—tied up and spread before me can provide. Tonight I’ll fuck her out of my system, and tomorrow I’ll get back to work, with Georgia far from my thoughts.



If anyone from the outside world stumbled into Dark Side, they would think they traveled back in time to a nineteen-thirties speakeasy, all secret doors and passwords, low booths and dark velvet. Then again, no one from the outside world would ever just stumble in here—it’s an invitation-only private club for the city’s elite with kinky tastes.

Sliding into a seat at the large circular glass bar smack-dab in the middle of the main room, I take in the sight in front of me. Immaculately dressed men and women mingle, just like at any other high-end bar. The difference here is that soon most of the party will move on to the next act—the private rooms in the basement, or in the case of those that like to be watched, the not so private rooms.

Here, surrounded by the kinky VIPs, subtle electronic beats creating a sexy lounge-like atmosphere, it doesn’t matter if I'm a bratva pakhan or another high-roller, if you’re granted access to Dark Side, it’s because you belong.

Yulian has joined me tonight with his wife, Rowan. He fell hard and fast for her after he took her as collateral while he hunted down Rowan’s brother for selling intel about us to another mob. He and Rowan are about as unlikely as Georgia and I, but somehow they are making it work. More than just making it work, judging by the way they are eye banging each other, eager to get to a private room.

As Yulian and I put in our order with the bartender, a luscious little redhead sidles up beside me and whispers in my ear, “Are you looking for company?” From the looks of her latex dress and the dog collar around her neck, she appears to be the kind of company that I would usually be interested in. A natural submissive who would give it all to me on her hands and knees. Yet, the thought of playing with her elicits no response in me. Nothing.

When I shake my head, Yulian flashes me a worried look.

“What?” I say, exasperated.

“She looked fun and willing. What’s the problem?”

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