Page 38 of Tyrant

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Robert stormed in, slamming his door behind him, pacing the floor as he grumbled under his breath. He finally noticed me, taking a deep breath and walking behind his desk. “I apologize for the delay.”

“No need. I was gathering my thoughts. I looked over the financials you provided.”

He laughed softly, stretching back in his seat. “Are you sorry yet that you accepted the position?”

“Quite the contrary. I think I can do a lot to improve the marketing strategies. I know you’ve had some issues over the last few years and we can rise above them. Montgomery is the key. I think his heritage is also important. He had the kind of charisma that will attract new buyers, including every woman out there.” I laughed after issuing the words, the tone of my voice dipping into a sultry level. Uh-oh. I could tell by the way he was looking at me that I’d stunned him.

After a few seconds, he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the surface of the desk as he stared at me. I felt as if he was trying to drill deep into my soul, which was exactly what Montgomery had done before. “The idea is very interesting, Aspen. I admire your work ethic and the fact you’ve hit the ground running. You may be onto something, as long as you understand the ramifications.”

I didn’t allow him to continue, pushing what little I’d managed to get done in the early hours of the morning across his desk. “I think a television campaign will really help. I’ve scribbled some notes I hope you’ll be able to read. I’ll formalize them later today with a presentation for both you and Mr. Wolfe. I know he’s going to be impressed.”

He seemed to take a minute or two to glance over what I’d already prepared, but there was a distant look in his eyes. The man was obviously thinking of something else at this point. After pushing the file in my direction, he folded his hands together. “You’ve already done some great work.”

As if he really had been able to tell.

“I’ll continue improving our presentation. I just wanted you to know what I was working on. I hope to spend some time working closely with Mr. Wolfe. I think that will allow me to get a better feel of what is working versus what isn’t.” The smile on Robert’s face was odd, as if he was debating either what I was made of or if he should tell me something. I pushed the signed addendum across his desk, realizing my hand was shaking. Why? I had nothing to be nervous about. “I think everything is in order. I’m going to spend the day researching and exploring the rest of the winery.”

When he didn’t say anything for at least thirty seconds, I rose from the chair. I had the distinct feeling there were several ugly, black secrets being harbored within the upper echelon of the corporation.

“Ms. Porter. Just hold on for a second.”

Exhaling, I shifted back in his direction, watching as he moved around his desk, sitting on the edge. His expression reminded me of a father talking to his daughter about his concerns regarding a boy. This was awkward as hell.

“Is there something you need to tell me?” I asked, although I wasn’t entirely certain I wanted to know the answer.

He took his time, taking a deep breath, his eyes never leaving me. “That’s what I need to ask you. Did something happen with Montgomery last night?”

There was no doubt about his insinuations, his tone of voice stopping just short of being accusatory. “I’m not certain what you mean.”

“Oh, I think you do. You’re a very intelligent, savvy woman. That’s why I hired you. I think you’ve already sized up the organization as well as the owner in charge. That being said, I’m going to give you a piece of advice that I hope you’ll listen to.”

“O-kay. I’m always hungry for advice.”

“Excellent.” He glanced away briefly before leaning forward, smiling as he darted his eyes back and forth across mine. “Stay away from Montgomery Wolfe, other than your professional dealings. I don’t want you hurt.”

“I didn’t think there was anything else on the table.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “Don’t play me for a fool, Ms. Porter. There is no doubt something occurred between the two of you last night. And at the risk of sounding intolerant, engaging in any kind of intimacy with him isn’t a good idea. While I’ve encouraged Mr. Wolfe to get to know you better, I should have known he would have difficulty resisting you. Maybe that’s my fault.”

“I don’t think I like your insinuations, Mr. Blakely. I came here to do a job and that’s what I intend on doing, even if Mr. Wolfe isn’t happy that I’m here. Maybe you should have issued a warning before I’d accepted the job.” I jerked up from the chair, shaking all over. What the hell had he seen? Or had Montgomery said something to him? Either way, this wasn’t how I’d planned anything to go, especially my first day on the job. I’d allowed myself to play with fire and I’d already been burned.

“I’m not your enemy, Aspen. Quite the contrary. Montgomery and I go way back. I used to work with his father. I consider him a friend; however, the man isn’t the same one I remember from a few years ago. Montgomery is… damaged. Working side by side isn’t in your best interest. I will be able to provide all the information you’re seeking.”

“Is anyone going to let me in on the reasons why he’s… damaged? I mean other than his family has been persecuted for years given their Cheyenne heritage.”

“Did Montgomery tell you that?” he asked, a surprised look on his face.

“I can tell whatever he went through changed his method of operation as well as his personality. I’m no fool. You brought me in as a last resort before he loses everything. Isn’t that the truth? I already heard that you’ve lost several employees during the last few months.”

After a few seconds, he chuckled. “I hired you for a reason and you’re already living up to my expectations. The persecution you mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg. The damage done to Montgomery is much more personal. Just keep your guard up, Ms. Porter. Montgomery is truly a wolf, a predator seeking revenge and little else. That makes for a dangerous man.”

His warning seemed odd given the fact they were friends. They were also repetitive from the day before. I thought about his words, becoming incensed. A red flag raised, my gut churning. “I’ll heed your warning, Mr. Blakely, but I assure you that I have no intentions of being anything other than your company’s savior.” I waited for only a few seconds to see if he would comment, but he chose not to.

Just like I chose to leave his office, closing the door behind me. I realized my hands were perspiring from the level of anger that had increased during the conversation. It was time for me to do my due diligence in figuring out what the hell I was really dealing with.

Before it was too late.

* * *

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