Page 36 of Tyrant

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As I drove away, my thoughts shifted to Aspen. God help me. She’d already gotten under my skin. If it was the last damn thing I did, and perhaps the only good decision that I’d be able to act on, I was determined to keep my distance from her. While she might soothe my beast, I would inflict the kind of pain in her life she couldn’t tolerate.


The Westfield Winery was only ten miles away, the close proximity also a thorn in my father’s side. That had allowed Prescott to keep a close eye on the activities at the estate, enough so my father had accused him of spying on the operation more than once. The irony of what I’d just said to Robert wasn’t lost on me.

As I pulled in through the massive set of stone pillars, the thick iron gate wide open, I scanned the perimeter, able to catch sight of several of the vineyards. I also noticed a sign indicated a very festive upcoming event. I made mental note of the date and time. There was no one to stop me as I headed toward the man’s mansion. The house he’d had built made the one I’d labored over appear tiny in comparison.

Prescott was all about glow and show, another thing that had pissed off my father. I had to admit that seeing several new buildings, including the tasting facility and restaurant stuck in my craw. I’d lost perspective on how quickly my rivals were growing.

Another aspect that would need to change.

Another set of open gates allowed me onto his property. I knew everything about his personal life, including the charity work his wife performed almost every day as well as the fact his two kids were away at college. From what I’d been able to learn, they hated their father and had no intentions of taking over in his footsteps. I snickered at the thought.

I parked just outside the eight-car garage, taking a moment before easing out of the Ferrari. While there was a possibility he’d been alerted to my arrival, I doubted he was answering his phone this early in the morning. He had a routine that I also kept up with, including his normal time to tee off at the local golf course.

After ringing the doorbell, I removed my sunglasses, taking a moment to enjoy the view. One of the housekeepers opened the door, peering at me with apprehension in her eyes. There wasn’t a member of his staff who didn’t know about our rivalry.

“I’m here to see Prescott.”

“Do you have an appointment, sir?”

I laughed softly, able to hear sound of light classical music coming from somewhere in the house. I moved closer, pushing the door open and walking inside, directly past her. “I’m certain he won’t mind me dropping by.”

“But sir. Sir!”

I ignored her, walking through the massive marble foyer. The place looked like a freaking mausoleum with the stone Greek characters located on pillars and a gothic chandelier. I strode through the living room, able to see Prescott sitting in his bathrobe on his screened-in porch. All I could do was smile as I took long strides in his direction.

When I threw open the door, he jerked to his feet and for the first time I noticed he was white as a ghost.

“What… What the fuck are you doing in my house?” he roared, sputtering after issuing the words.

“I didn’t think you’d mind, Prescott. We are friends after all.” I noticed the beverage station located close by, the smell of hazelnut coffee actually appealing. I walked in the direction, pouring myself a cup. When he said nothing, I glanced in his direction. “I didn’t think you’d mind if we shared a morning coffee together.” He continued to be quiet, although his eyes were nothing but daggers pinpointed in my direction. “You don’t mind if I have some coffee. Do you?”

Huffing, he eased onto his seat, reaching for his mug. I couldn’t help but notice that his hand was shaking.

I finished adding cream and slowly turned in his direction, moving closer to the exterior and staring out at his lagoon-style pool. “It’s nice you brought in so many tropical plants. Your backyard looks like a resort. Nicely done, Prescott.”

“What do you want, Wolfe?”

After taking a deep breath, I took my time enjoying a few sips of coffee. “Excellent blend. You’ll have to tell me where you purchase your coffee.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

I turned sharply, walking closer, enough so he shrank back. “You’re right. I’m an asshole, which is something you’ve lost sight of. I’m also a wolf, and I don’t mean because of my surname. I’m finished playing games with you. You’re not going to fuck with my family or my winery any longer.” I took another deep breath, holding it before expelling. Then I purposely walked away again. “But I digress. I didn’t come here to argue with you.”

“Then why have you come?” He tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair in some lame attempt to show how bored he was. It was too bad that the beads of sweat that had formed along his forehead gave him away.

“I’m well aware of what you’re doing to the other winery owners. I know exactly what your plans are.”

He managed to laugh softly. “And what is that?”

I waited to answer until he took a sip of hot coffee. “Your plans are to tear down several of them replacing the barren land with a resort and casino. And you’re going to make certain that happens no matter what you need to do given your investors are breathing down your neck. If I’m not mistaken, some of those investors you considered buddies, including a prince from Saudi Arabia as well as the New York mafia. Now, if I were you, I would be terrified of the fact you’re almost two years behind schedule and are having difficulty providing the land you promised in your two-hundred-million-dollar operation.”

I waited as the information sank in, enjoying the moment I’d waited to present for weeks. Weeks of gathering details and talking to several individuals. Weeks of pulling favors with bankers and other creditors. Weeks of investigating all on my own.

As strings of coffee flew out of his mouth, dripping all over his pristine, fluffy white bathrobe, I was satisfied with his reaction.

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