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Chapter Four



“So I was thinking.”I look up from my computer screen to see Harris leaning against my cubicle wall, his hair disheveled and the top two buttons of his shirt undone. I internally roll my eyes and quiver a little all at the same time. “I think you and I got off on the wrong foot.”

“I have work to do, Harris, so unless you need something...” I let the statement trail off.

“You really are a tough egg, aren’t you?” He seems amused by this fact.

“Do you need something or did you just come over here to torture me?” I feign disinterest, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little curious about what he wants.

“You heard about Robert?”

“I did.”

“I just got out of a meeting with Tom. Apparently they’ve decided not to replace him which means they will be splitting up his workload to other members of the team.”

“Okay,” I draw out, waiting for him to make a point.

“Some of that workload has been passed onto me.”

“Good for you?”

“Well actually, itisgood for me. You see, they’ve given me his client accounts which means you and I are going to be working together more frequently.”

I try to ignore the whoosh that runs through my gut. Please God, no.

“Tom wanted me to touch base with you today so you can catch me up on where we stand with everything. I was thinking maybe we could do a working lunch. What do you say? We can hit up the little Thai place on the corner.”

“Actually, I’m really busy. I’ll probably just eat lunch at my desk.” It’s the first excuse I can think of. “If you want to sit down for a meeting, you can schedule one like everyone else does.”

“You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you?” He smirks, amused by my unwillingness.


“Okay then.” He nods, mulling something over in his head. I can physically see the wheels turning. “For the record, I’m not so easy to get rid of.”

“For the record, I’m not that easy to get into bed.” My jaw goes slack as I realize what I just said. Shit. Shit.Shit. Totally unprofessional.

“So you have thought about it then?” He smirks.

“Thought about what exactly?” I play stupid.

“Having me in your bed.”

“What?” I blurt out, my voice a little louder than I intended for it to be.

“It’s okay, Blue. I’d be more than happy to give you what you want.”

“Oh my god.” I feel the heat creep up my cheeks. I’m not sure if I’m more embarrassed, angry, or frankly, turned on. I refuse to believe the latter. “Was that all?” I look back at my computer screen, pretending to read something, trying to put an end to this conversation before it goes any further.

“For now.” I look up moments later to catch his backside as he walks away.

Not five minutes pass before a notification pops up on my desktop, informing me that an overview meeting has been scheduled for this afternoon at one p.m. When I open my calendar, I’m not at all surprised to see who the organizer is... Harris Avery.

Fuck my life.

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