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I round third as the ball comes soaring back into the infield. The baseman catches it as I zoom past him, heading into home. I already know he’s going to throw it to the catcher in hopes of getting me out, which means I have to beat the throw or out maneuver the catcher. Luckily, the guy playing third isn’t much of a ball player and he overthrows home, allowing me to glide past the plate with ease.

My team erupts with cheers and pats on the back, but there’s only one person I want to see. I nod and smile as I make my way past them toward Blue, picking her up and wrapping her in a tight hug the moment I reach her.

“You scored!” I smile before slowly setting her to her feet.

“Thanks to you.” She shuffles backward, her gaze going to the people standing behind us.

I never noticed it before, but she seems hesitant of my affection. Is she worried about what people will think seeing us together? I hadn’t even considered the possibility, but given her reaction and the way she can’t meet my gaze, I’m thinking maybe she is.

The thought doesn’t sit well with me but deciding now is not the time to say anything, I turn my attention to Craig as he makes his way over to congratulate me.

The rest of the game I’m distracted. Every time I look at Blue she’s looking somewhere else. She barely speaks to me when we pass each other and the last three innings she has conveniently sat in between Hannah and Josie on the bench so that I couldn’t sit next to her.

I find myself replaying the events that have taken place over the last four weeks in my head – specifically those at work. I don’t know how it hadn’t dawned on me before, but other than when we’re alone, she’s always had a bit of a wall between us. Even on Friday when we went to dinner with Hannah and Everett.

She smiled and laughed like normal Blue, but she wasn’t as carefree or as affectionate as she is with me when it’s just the two of us.

I’m not sure why that is or what that means but it’s unsettling as hell.

When we reach the bottom of the eighth, we’re up nine to two, but rather than feeling excited that we’re about to win, I have this tight knot in the pit of my stomach that I can’t seem to shake.

I watch from my place on the bench as Hannah hits a line drive down the third base line and makes it easily to first base. She probably could have gotten a double out of it but it seems she decided not to risk it.

Blue steps up to bat next and even though there’s been a weirdness between us since I hugged her in front of everyone, I find myself climbing to my feet to yell words of encouragement in her direction.

She gets two strikes on her first two swings. Tapping the bat onto home plate, she readjusts and lines up for another pitch. This one comes across the plate to the right and she’s able to make contact.

The ball soars over the short stop’s head and lands in the outfield but Blue seems frozen at home plate.

“Run!” Several people yell before it seems to dawn on her that she actually hit the ball.

Dropping the bat, she takes off toward first base, reaching it just as the ball goes flying past her and rolls to the fence. The first baseman scrambles to the side to retrieve it, but Blue is long gone, having reached second by the time he gets it into his hand. Instead of holding the ball like he should have, he throws it to the second baseman who also misses it.

It’s a laughable shit show out there.

Blue keeps going, closing in on third as Henry, who’s playing third, picks up the ball and runs toward her. It’s a race to the base and at this point there’s no telling who’s going to get there first.

Henry beats Blue by a half a second, and knowing he has to tag her, she makes a last second decision to slide. Her foot hits the base right before Henry’s glove brushes her leg.

“Safe,” the ref yells, swinging his arms out to his side.

Our entire team erupts in cheers and applause.

It isn’t until a few seconds later that I realize Blue hasn’t moved from the ground. Henry is crouched down next to her, helping her into a sitting position as she grabs at her ankle.

Without a second thought, I take off in her direction, jogging across the field. When I reach her, her face is marred with pain, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

“What happened? Are you okay?” I kneel down next to her.

“I rolled my ankle on the base.” She leans against my shoulder.

“It’s already swelling,” Henry says, his focus on her ankle as he carefully removes her shoe. Blue winces and fists at my shirt.

“Come on, let’s get you off the field.” I scoop her up in my arms with ease and quickly make my way back to the bench, Henry following close behind with her shoe in his hand.

I sit her down and lift her leg to get a better look.

“I need to take your sock off.” I give her an apologetic look as several members of the blue and red team gather around to make sure she’s alright.

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