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Chapter Three



“You don’t like me verymuch, do you?” I ask, sliding up next to Blue at the bar.

She turns to look in my direction, her wavy blonde hair brushing the tops of her shoulders as she does. She studies me for a long moment, her blue eyes locked on mine. Then she smiles at me. The kind of smile that says she knows something I don’t.

“Now what would ever give you that idea?” she asks, looking past me to where Hannah and a few other women from the office are huddled around a high-top table.

“Call it a gut feeling.”

“Well, you know what they say about gut feelings.” She shrugs indifferently, turning her attention back to the bartender as he sets a glass of wine in front of her.

“And what’s that?” I ask, watching her take a long drink of the red liquid.

“That you should listen to them.” She sets her glass down, her slender fingers wrapped lightly around the stem.

“You know what I can’t figure out though.” I turn, angling myself closer to her. “What exactly I did to make you dislike me so much?”

“Well if you have to ask, you clearly aren’t very self-aware.” She keeps her gaze forward, lifting her glass to her lips for another sip of wine.

“Why don’t you enlighten me?”

“You really want to know?” She turns toward me, leaving her glass on the bar top.

“Yes, I really do.”

“Normally I wouldn’t say this to someone I work with, but given your persistence I think I’ll make an exception.” She licks her bottom lip and my groin tightens.

Whether she likes me or not, it doesn’t change how attractive she is. In fact, I might even go as far as to say that it makes her more so. You know what they say about a chase. And I have no doubt this woman would give me a run for my money.

“I think you’re an arrogant, know it all, who spends more time groping his co-workers than actually working with them.”

“So that’s what you don’t like about me?” I bark out a laugh. “Because I’m flirtatious.”

“What you do goes far past flirting and we both know it.”

“Are you calling me a womanizer, Ms. Daniels?”

“No, I’m calling you a whore.” She crosses her arms in front of her chest and hits me with a pointed stare.

“If you didn’t look so damn sexy saying that, I might be offended.” I smirk.

“And there is my case in point.” She shakes her head, turning back toward the bar.

I settle in next to her, resting my elbows on top of the bar.

“So is your problem that I’m awhore, as you so eloquently put it, or that you’re jealous because I’ve never made a pass at you?”

“Why on earth would that make me jealous?” she spits, nearly choking on the words.

“Because maybe deep down you want me to.”

“I hate to break it to you,Mr. Avery, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”

She says my name with so much disdain it’s hard for me to contain my smile. I can’t help it. The more irritated she becomes the more I think maybe I made a mistake in keeping my distance from her.

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