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“Too much?” he asks, amused.

“Just a bit,” I admit, laughter filtering through my words.

“Okay, how about this.” His hands reach up, cupping my face. “I really don’t care about the food truck rally. I just needed an excuse not to have to say goodbye yet. So, food truck rally or no food truck rally, I really don’t care. I just want to spend the day with you. No matter what we do.” With that, he presses up and lays a light kiss to my mouth.

When he pulls back, resting his weight back onto his legs, I’m not sure if I want to laugh, cry, or do both. This man is so far from the person I thought he was it almost makes me sick that I spent so much time treating him the way I did.

And even though I’ve been playing this game right along with him, a part of me has been holding back. I’m not sure why or what I’ve been afraid of—though I can think of a few things—but up to this point I’ve been justifying his actions by assuming that he was purposely messing with me. Now I’m starting to think maybe he isn’t. And even if he is, even if this is all just a game, what do I really have to lose?

In that moment I make the decision that I’m all in. I’m done fighting my attraction for this man. I’m done worrying about stupid bets or how this all will end. Because one thing that I know with complete certainty is that it will eventually end. And that’s okay. But there’s no reason I shouldn’t enjoy the ride while it lasts.

“Well?” He looks up at me expectantly. “Any better?”

A slow smile forms on my face seconds before my arms go around his neck and I pull him back to me. “Much,” I mutter against his mouth before pressing my lips to his.

It’s the first time I’ve initiated any kind of real physical contact between the two of us and I don’t think this fact is lost on him.

His hands slide around my waist seconds before he tugs me into his lap. I go willingly, a soft moan escaping my throat as he deepens the kiss. His tongue slides against mine so effortlessly that it almost feels like he was born to kiss me. Or I was born to kiss him. Or maybe we were born to kiss each other. One thing is for sure, I’ve never been kissed the way Harris is kissing me right now. Like he’s suffocating and I’m the only oxygen he can find.

His hands slide up the back of my shirt, and the feeling of his palms sliding against my skin is comparable to the way cool water feels on a hot day. Perfect.

I don’t know how long the moment lasts—one minute or five—time bleeds together as our hands roam, tongues clash, and breath mingles. What I do know is that disappointment pools in my chest the instant he pulls away. But that disappointment is replaced by something else entirely when I see the pure hunger in his eyes.

“Am I to take that as a yes?” He smiles, his fingers still tracing light circles against the small of my back.

“I guess,” I grumble in the best annoyed voice I can muster.

“You guess?” He cocks his head to the side, challenge in his eyes.

“I’ve never been to a food truck rally before.” I shrug, acting completely indifferent about the entire thing. “Besides, I guess it’s better than laying around here in my pajamas all day.”

“We could do that instead.” His gaze darkens as his grip on me tightens. “But we could skip the pajama part.”

I let my head fall back as I laugh. It’s either that or I’m going to end up swallowing his face again. I know I said I was going to stop fighting whatever this thing is and enjoy it while it lasts, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to jump into bed with the matter how badly I really want to.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” I tap him on the nose and move to stand, my knees wobbling as they try to support my weight. “But before we do anything, I need a shower. And no, that’s not an invitation.”

The lip pout returns and this time it’s even more pathetic than before.

“Don’t you need to go home and change anyway?” I gesture down to his still bare torso.

“How about I wait for you to get ready and then we can head over to my place together?”

“Why? You said the food truck rally doesn’t start until four. That’s six hours from now.”

“Do youreallythink I’m going to leave this apartment and give you the opportunity to change your mind?” He puts his elbows against the couch and eases himself up off the floor.

“Seriously?” I place my hands on my hips and give him an exasperated look.


“So what? You’re not going to let me out of your sight all day?”

“Sounds about right.” He grins. “Now go, take your shower. You might want to lock the door just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

“Just in case I decide the thought of you wet and naked in the other room becomes too hard to resist.”

I swallow,hard, thinking right about now wet and naked with Harris sounds pretty damn good.

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