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“So wait, you went toa baseball game with him?” Hannah asks, not trying to mask her excitement.

We’re on our way to pick up my car and I’ve been trying to catch her up on everything that has happened since I spoke to her yesterday morning, but she keeps interrupting me before I can really get into it.

“Yes. He took me to a Red Sox game. He even bought a t-shirt for me to wear.”

“Shut up! Harris Avery, a closet sweetheart. Who knew?” She giggles.

“He actually is pretty sweet.” I can’t help but admit, even though it nearly kills me to do so.

“I told you there was more to him but you were never willing to listen.”

“Please. He’s exactly the person I’ve always thought he was. He’s only trying to win a bet.”

“Keep telling yourself that, B.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I give her the side eye.

“Have you ever entertained the idea that maybe Harris actually likes you?”

“Yeah right.” I snort.

“I’m serious.” She swats at my arm. “Think about it. Why else would he be doing all this?”

“Because he can.”

“Yeah, but he can have pretty much any woman he wants. You’ve said so yourself. So why go through the trouble?”

“Maybe he’s bored. Maybe because I’m a challenge? Maybe because he likes to play games.”

“If you truly believed that, you wouldn’t have agreed.”

“That’s exactlywhyI agreed. What better way to stick it to someone you don’t like than to beat them at their own game?”

“You’re so blind sometimes. I swear I just want to slap you upside that pretty head of yours.” She shakes her head as she turns into the office lot. “He’s into you, Blue. He’s been into you for a while. Honestly I’m surprised it took him this long to make a move.”

“He is not into me,” I disagree, trying to fight the smile the thought brings to my lips.

“There.” She catches me out of the corner of her eye. “See! Youdolike him.”

“I don’t,” I argue, going with complete denial rather than admitting to myself that she might be right.

I can’t like Harris Avery. Can I?

“He kissed me,” I whisper as she pulls the car to a stop next to my small black Prius.

“What?” She nearly jumps right out of her seat. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”

“Because it wasn’t a big deal.”

“Shut up! Tell me everything!” She slides the car into park and gives me her full attention.

“It was at the game. I don’t even really remember how it happened. I had a handful of beers and was feeling really good. He said he wanted to kiss me and I told him to do it.” I smile sheepishly.

“And you’re sitting there trying to tell me you don’t like him. You’re so full of shit.” She laughs.

“It was a mistake. I got the idea in my head that it would be fun to beat him at his own game. It was stupid.”

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