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He steps in closer, and even though my instinct is to step backward, I find myself frozen in place. He leans in, his lips inches from my ear.

“I’ll wear you down eventually, Blue.” The feeling of his breath hot on the side of my neck causes a slew of goosebumps to break out across my skin.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Harris.” I try to keep my voice even, but I don’t miss the slight shake in my words. Something tells me he doesn’t either. Seconds later, his long fingers latch onto my right hip and he squeezes.

“Guess we’ll see.” He runs his nose along my jawline. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t have me feeling things in certain areas where I definitely shouldnotbe feeling them.

Damn him. Even I have to admit, Harris Avery has game. Too bad for him, I’m done playing.

“Guess we will.” I step back and quickly step around him. I have to get out of this room, the temperature inside suddenly feeling ten degrees warmer.

“I’ll see you at the department meeting at four,” he calls after me, but I’m already out of the room, my laptop tucked under my arm as I quickly make my way back to my desk.


“There you are.” I’mstartled out of the document I’m working on by the sound of Hannah’s voice. “You know the department meeting started ten minutes ago, right?” She hitches her thumb behind her in the direction of the large boardroom where our department meetings are always held.

“What?” I glance at the time on my computer and then spring out of my chair like someone lit a fire under it. “Shit. I’ve been working on this process document. I guess I lost track of time.” I pause. “Wait, why aren’t you in the meeting?”

“I was. When I noticed you weren’t, I decided to come look for you. I told Robert I had to run to the ladies’.”

“Thank you so much. Seriously.” I grab a notebook and pen, just in case I need to write anything down, and quickly follow Hannah to the meeting room.

When we slip inside, the lights have been dimmed and John is going over a PowerPoint presentation. About forty people line the room in rows of chairs. He doesn’t pay us any attention as we quickly take two seats toward the back of the room.

We’re getting settled in when the door opens again and Harris steps through, looking calm and collected, rather than rushed and frazzled the way I’m sure I did. I watch him scan the room in one quick motion before his eyes land on me. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.

I immediately look away and focus my attention on John at the front of the room. Unfortunately, that doesn’t last long, because not moments later, Harris shuffles his way past me and takes the seat to my left.

You have got to be kidding me...

He leans in close enough that our shoulders touch. “So, what did I miss?” he whispers, his minty breath dancing across my face.

Without looking at him, I hold a silent finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet.

“She doesn’t know because she just got here.” Hannah leans forward and answers for me, her voice hushed.

“So we both arrived late?” He gives me a smirk when I finally look his way. “What will people think?” he teases.

“Would you be quiet?” I gesture to the front of the room.

Seeming pleased that he got a little rise out of me, he turns his attention to John. But that doesn’t stop him from bumping his knee into mine several times over the course of the hour-long meeting.

The first time I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was an accident. But by the fifth time it became clear what he was doing. I did my best to ignore him, but the longer it went on the harder it was to ignore.

It started with his knee brushing mine, then his foot, then his elbow. Eventually, he shifted in his seat so that his leg was pressed against mine for the last ten minutes. It took everything I had not to shove him out of his chair. The asshole. His little games might work on other women, but sooner or later he’s going to have to realize that I am not other women.

The instant the meeting is called to an end, I stand and dart out of the room, not wanting to risk getting stuck behind and be forced to watch Harris act all innocent like he wasn’t touching me on purpose for the last hour.

I make it back to my desk in record time and already have my purse on my shoulder, headed toward the elevator when Harris finally steps out of the room. His eyes meet mine as the doors slide open in front of me and the asshole smiles. It’s not a friendly smile between co-workers either. No, this smile is most definitely something else.

Without giving him any reaction, I quickly step into the elevator, not letting out my breath until the doors are securely closed behind me.

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