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“Do you think he’ll make the cut?”

“No not unless he gets past his fear of drowning.”

I’m confused. “Isn’t that a normal fear?”

“Green Berets can’t be scared of anything.”

I scrunch my face up, trying to follow. “So, you’re telling me you’re scared of nothing.”

He wipes his napkin over his mouth then stares down at me with a look that almost frightens me. “Just you.”


He leans in a little closer, resting his arm on the back of my chair. “I’m scared to death of losing you.” I want to make a comment, but I don’t. It wasn’t Cole’s fault he was taken from me before. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. A part of me finds it easier to lash out than to accept what really happened.

“You won’t lose me, Cole. I love and trust you more than anyone.”

A pained look runs across his face. He picks up my left hand and rubs my wedding ring finger. I think he’s going to say something, but he doesn’t.

I reach up and quickly run my hand over his five o’clock shadow. “I wish I knew what this face means.” He takes my hand and gives it a quick kiss, then turns his attention back to his dinner.

“Savi,” Daniel calls, “how long are you staying at camp?”

“Umm, just until tomorrow afternoon,” I answer. “I have a date in the evening.”

“Oh?” Cole raises an eyebrow.

“Yes, dinner and a hike.” I feel Cole stiffen at the wordhike.

“Who’s the lucky fellow?” Mark asks through a mouthful of chicken.

“Make that plural. It’s with Abby, June, and Sue,” I laugh. “There’s a meteor shower.”

“And?” Cole asks, making me roll my eyes.

“Keith and Mike, possibly Derek, but he was muttering about it being cold when we were out last night. Such a baby,” I chuckle until I see Cole’s jaw flex. Oops. “We were just walking along the water’s edge. The house can be busy sometimes.”

“I see.” Cole leans back and pushes his plate away. “And where was Keith?”

“Umm…he was dealing with Frank.” I notice Cole glances at Mark and then his father. The tension starts to build the more we sit in silence. “So,” I look at everyone, “can I get a tour?”

After the grand tour of the grounds, I can feel Cole stewing about something. He has been off since dinner, and I would bet money on it being that I mentioned spending time alone with Derek. It’s quite cold out as we walk back to the main building. I see some of the men heading toward their bunks.

“Are they heated?” I ask.

“Yes, but just enough so they don’t get hypothermia.”

“Yikes,” I mutter.

“Don’t have heaters in the mountains, just what’s on your back.”

“That sucks.”

“It always sucks.”

“Then why do it?”

He stops at a whiteboard and starts scribbling something.

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