Page 18 of Perfectly Matched

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“About time you showed up.” Madison sat surrounded by a half dozen coworkers in a small semi-round booth. A three-piece band was performing a short distance away, and a server dressed in clothes more suitable for a beach headed to their table. Madison tapped the space next to her. “We’ve been waiting for our beer.”

Payson smiled. “You going to hold me to that, huh?” she said as she slid next to her. Hannah flanked her other side.

Madison smirked. “Of course I am, you lost the challenge.”

“The challenge was rigged.”

“Never rigged, only slightly manipulated.” Madison winked at Payson, who averted her eyes and blushed.

“What can I get you guys?” the server asked.

Payson spoke up. “We’ll start with a pitcher of whatever you have on tap.”

“You got it.” The server smiled and left with their order.

“Sorry, I’m a little late.” Tegan scurried up to the booth and slid in next to Hannah. “The pole attached to the satellite disc on the van got stuck and wouldn’t collapse. Suffice it to say,Jason’s going to have a shit fit when he realizes what we had to do to get it down. Anyway, what’d I miss?”

“Nothing. We just got here,” Payson reassured her.

“Oh, good.” Tegan turned to Hannah. “So what’d you think of the show?”

“I thought your tank story was…entertaining.”

Tegan lightheartedly laughed. “Yeah, and check this. What the viewers don’t know is, when the cops told the guy to step out of the tank, the only thing he was wearing was a pair of tighty-whities, and a big ol’ engagement ring was dangling from a safety pin attached smack dab in the middle of the underwear.”

The table laughed.

Payson recoiled. “Ew, that’s gross.”

“I know, but apparently, his girlfriend liked it because she said yes. So there you go, a happy ending to another bizarre story.”

The laughter morphed toawwas the server returned with their pitcher. “Give me a holler when you need more,” she said as she turned and left.

Madison grabbed the pitcher and started pouring for everyone. When she handed a mug to Payson, her eyes lingered. “To our star producer and another successful newscast.” Madison raised her glass in a toast, and the table followed suit.

Hannah took a swig and gagged. The beer tasted of sawdust and moldy corn, and she resisted the urge to spit. When she realized the only socially correct place to put the vile liquid was down her throat, she closed her eyes and painfully swallowed.

“Not a fan of beer?” Tegan asked.

“Not a fan of this beer, no.” Hannah coughed.

“Yeah, it’s not the best, but don’t worry, the first mug you taste, the second you feel.” Tegan nudged her in a lighthearted way.

Hannah had no intention of getting that far. She pushed the mug away, ran her sleeve across her lips, and silently cursed her situation. She was starving for food that stimulated her tastebuds and thirsty for a beverage worth swallowing. Between the shriveled-up burrito and the foul-tasting beer, she was unimpressed with the cuisine, or lack thereof, that this city had to offer. She rubbed her temples in an attempt to keep the low-grade headache that she had been nursing since her arrival at bay. She glanced at Payson and let out a defeated breath. As much as she thought her name should have been paired with Payson’s in the night sky, Hannah was becoming cranky, frustrated, and just wanted to get the hell out of Las Vegas and back to where she belonged. She closed her eyes and silently conceded to the universe. She should have known not to second-guess destiny.

“She’s single, you know,” Tegan whispered.

“I’m sorry…what?” Hannah opened her eyes.

“Payson. I see the way you look at her.”

“Oh.” The feeling of exposure caused her to fidget. “Well, actually, I think she and Madison would make a better couple.”

“Madison?” Tegan groaned. “Are you kidding me? That woman doesn’t recognize anyone in her orbit unless they have something to offer her,” she said in a low voice.

“Are you saying Payson can’t offer her anything?”

“Nope.” Tegan shook her head as she took another sip of beer. “At least not the kind of thing Madison is looking for.”

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