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There was a second floor and I climbed the stairs two at a time, hoping like hell that I found her fast before something went wrong and she was hurt. Up until that point I’d been anxious but as my training kicked in and the Marine focused on his mission, my brain shut off, going into lethal mode.

I was cool, calm, and ready to fucking do whatever was needed.

A bullet hit the wall right next to my head and I snarled, rushing forward until I slammed into the guy hiding behind a row of metal filing cabinets. The whole area looked old and dated with stained carpet, ancient computers, and dusty office chairs.

I heard a shout and then a commotion as I shoved the guy aside and heard Wraith firing his gun as the thug cried out in pain. There were several rooms going left and right on this floor and I chose the left first, my gut telling me that Mimi was close. Lifting my boot, I kicked the door in and found that motherfucker Jones on the bed. He had an arm wrapped around her neck and a gun pointed to her temple.

“Try anything and I will kill her without hesitation.”

My heart was pounding as my Reaper laughed sardonically. This was too easy. Did Jones actually think he was going to survive this?

“I’ll give you one chance to lower that weapon. You still won’t live but I’ll give you a quicker death than you deserve.”

“Fuck off, Patriot.”

Okay then. Couldn’t say I didn’t warn him.

My Reaper lunged forward so fast that Jones never saw the movement. I had the gun yanked from his hand and his body suspended in the air, dangling as his feet scraped along the ground by the toe of his shoes.

“You will die, Sean Jones, and I will enjoy your suffering.”

The guttural tone belonged to the Reaper alone and when Jones realized that I wasn’t entirely human he whined like a little bitch.

“I’m sorry! Please, please don’t kill me!”


“There will be no mercy.”

The guy’s heart was beating so fast I thought he would have a heart attack and I grinned wide, letting him see the Reaper as his death approached.

“Patriot!” Wraith shouted.

His panicked voice snatched my attention and I dropped Jones as Rael rushed forward and snapped zip ties around his wrists and ankles. Hogtied, he was hoisted up and carried down the stairs, awaiting further punishment back at the Crossroads.

My Reaper receded as I rushed to Mimi’s side, pulling her into my arms as I frantically searched for a pulse. I was so freaked out that I couldn’t tell if she had one or not. All the drugs in her system were probably too much and I didn’t know what to do. We were hours away from the closest hospital or medical facility.

All my training didn’t mean shit when I didn’t have the right equipment close.

“Angel!” I shouted, my voice hoarse with the thought that I could lose Mimi so tragically after all we’d been through. “Save her!”

“If she’s gone,” he swallowed hard, “I can’t.”

Chest heaving, desperation forced me to beg. “Please, you’ve got to try.”

He nodded, scooting closer as he placed his hands on her body and closed his eyes. I didn’t know what he was doing and was far too distracted to notice. All I knew was that Angel had a special gift just like we did with our Reapers. We took souls and claimed them for death. Hs saved them and brought their souls back from the brink.

I wasn’t the praying kind and if I did it would only be to Lucifer. The devil held a lot of power and I understood where my own originated from.

The seconds dragged on. Nothing happened.


He didn’t answer.

My heart broke and I didn’t want to believe that she was gone.

“No,” I breathed out, “Fuck. Please, come back to me, sunshine.”

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