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Patriot wasn’t messy but he certainly had plenty of stuff in his room. There were two large dressers and both had his personal belongings on top. I’d been given two of the drawers in one to do with as I pleased as well as a large section of his closet. No one could say he wasn’t generous. I shared the bathroom and already had my own stuff spread out over the counter and a couple of drawers in there too.

The table and chairs were always kept clean. Patriot usually hung his cut over the back of one at night before bed. He was a man who observed time with a strict adherence. I’d only been here about a month but I could already see that he followed military time and a routine that never wavered unless he had something to do for the club.

As Shadow sent the tray down my phone began ringing and I swiped across the screen as I caught Nylah’s name.

“I’m awake and alive,” I joked.

“Jesus. It didn’t even ring.”

“Did on my end.”

“So freaky when that happens.”

I snorted, amused by her tone. There were so many things freakier in this world. “I guess. How’s work?”

“Two staff called off. I’ve got twice the number of patients this morning and I’m craving a bagel with cream cheese. Need more coffee too.”

“I can’t really help you there. I don’t even drive.”

“Well, you could let me help you with that.”

“Maybe.” I wasn’t all that interested in learning. Honestly, I didn’t see the big deal. If I needed something, the prospects or Patriot got it for me.

“The offer stands. You might change your mind someday.”

Not likely.

“Did you text devil man? He would probably give you whatever you want.”

“I don’t have time for a quickie in one of the lounges.”

Laughing, I was sure she wasn’t kidding. “Then why did you call?”

“I just wanted to hear your voice.” There was a pause and I thought I heard her sniffle. “Kind of scared me when you wouldn’t wake up. I don’t want to go through that again.”

This was where I was supposed to assure her that I was fine. No easy task. Who knew what the future held? Not only that but I wasn’t sure that I was safe enough with the Royal Bastards MC at the Crossroads. Were the Russians still out there? Was it possible they could forget about me and what Patriot and the rest of the club did to Alexi and his uncle Solonik?

Probably still had a target painted on my back.

“Hey, at least it was less drama, right?” Trying to laugh it off, I kept my tone light.

“Don’t say that. I love you, Mimi. I always want you around.”

At least she did. My parents cut ties a long time ago.

“I know. Love you too, sis. Gotta go. My breakfast is getting cold.”

“See ya tonight!”

After she hung up, I flopped down into one of the chairs, pushing the tray away. Didn’t have much of an appetite. Rarely did. Mostly I just had residual tremors, headaches, and tingling from the addiction to drugs my body was still recovering from. Sometimes I broke out into a sweat for no reason. My temperature fluctuated and I’d be freezing one minute and then hot as fuck the next.

Sucked big time.

The only good thing that came out of the coma was that I was no longer suffering as badly with the effects of withdrawal. I also healed up quite a bit more in several areas. My arm didn’t burn as much but it still hurt. Down below I seemed to be going back to normal. Still didn’t want to see the s

cars left behind from all the abuse and trauma.

Sighing, my elbows landed on the table and my head fell into my hands. I should feel less antsy and more adjusted since I was brought here. I didn’t. Patriot helped quite a bit and when he was around, I relaxed as far as I was able but when he was gone, I felt like I was going to burst through my skin and paranoia kept trying to snatch away any happiness I tried to grasp.

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