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It was.

She owned me from that moment on. I might have wanted to punish her before, but I wanted to make love to her more, fuck her, own her, brand her as mine forever.

She could have any damn thing she wanted. I was completely at her mercy and the sexy, sinful, blonde seductress knew it. She wore those clothes on purpose to get a rise out of me. She got it. In more ways than one.

Back in my room, I placed her on the mattress and we both hurriedly tossed clothing aside. No foreplay. I didn’t need to make sure she was wet. We both knew she was. I entered her swiftly, hissing when her nails scraped down my back. Pumping into her over and over, we both came hard and then round two started. The second time we both sensed the need to take things slower. I glided in and of her sexy body and clasped our hands together. Our fingers intertwined and I slowly made love to the woman that was all the beauty and light I needed in this dark world. After fucking her for months, I knew this wasn’t just a fling, not that I ever did. We were more than that.

She didn’t say the words. I didn’t either. We both knew what happened.

Love wasn’t always easy to articulate but when it was present, you felt it.

Suraya was spending all her time at the Crossroads. I couldn’t be unhappy about that. After all, I was there almost as much if not more. Our apartment hardly saw any use, but I found the rent paid up for a full year and knew who had done it. Fuckin’ Grim. I refused to give the place up and he decided to make a point. I was his and if I wasn’t going to accept cash from him then he was paying my expenses. Irritating and sweet, I couldn’t stay mad at him for long. It was an odd concept that someone wanted to take care of me but if there was anyone that I’d concede to it was Grim.

Suraya moved out the following week and permanently in with Bodie. I was happy for her but not quite ready to take that plunge myself. After the hard years with my dad and Moby I needed my independence. It was part of who I was. A security blanket I found hard to release.

I was working the late shift again the next night and I washed down tables and chairs, preparing for the bar to open. A familiar face greeted me as I looked up and saw Suraya. She was frowning. Something seemed a little off, but I wasn’t worried. She could be a little flighty.

“What’s up, babe? Sticking around to help me after all? You can’t keep ditching your shifts.” I was teasing but she didn’t smile.

“I suppose she’s been here then,” her lookalike announced. “Not a surprise. Only took me eight months to track her down this time.”

Lifting a brow, I almost thought she was crazy until I remembered Suraya mentioned a twin. She neve

r said identical twin, but I guess that didn’t matter. “Sasha?”

“Yep. Glad you figured it out. She doesn’t usually tell people we’re identical. Thinks its hilarious or some shit.” She shook her head. “Nice to meet you. Are you a friend of Suraya’s?”

“One of her best friends. We used to be roommates.”

“Well, damn. Any idea where she is? My calls keep getting ignored and her voicemail is full.”

Typical Suraya. “Living with her biker boyfriend. Not sure when she’ll be around.”

Sasha’s shoulders slumped. “I was hoping to stay with her,” she admitted. “Know any cheap motels?”

“Not necessary. Her rent is paid up for the year. You can stay with me,” I offered.

“Wow! Thanks. I could really use the help until I get on my feet.”

“Know anything about bartending? Mixing drinks?”

“A little,” she admitted.

“If you can smile, pour a beer, and jiggle your tits then you’re hired.”

She laughed. “Yeah. I can manage all that.”

Didn’t take long at all for me to like Sasha as much as I adored Suraya. They were two sides of the same coin. Both beautiful and funny but where Suraya had no filter, Sasha was a bit more reserved and mature. They both brightened my life considerably. I counted it a blessing that I had such wonderful friends.

A month lapsed. There was no sign of trouble from that Razr guy and I grew a little complacent. Life returned to normal. Grim picked me up from the bar after my shift most nights. We’d go at it and fuck like crazy but then I’d go back home to my apartment with Sasha most of the time. He didn’t like it but Grim was learning that I wouldn’t give in on this issue. Things became a little strained, but I knew we would work through it.

The next night I was working the bar with Sasha again. The manager of the Blacktop didn’t care which of the sisters worked as long as he had a pretty girl to pass out drinks who wasn’t an idiot. For a Wednesday, it was packed. Sasha and I never got a break. Drink orders were nonstop.

Two hours before closing, the door swung open and bikers infiltrated the bar. I’d seen these guys before with Moby. He entered after the others and walked with a swagger. His head was held high like he was someone not to be messed with. Rolling my eyes at Sasha, I lowered my voice.

“That shorter guy with the reddish blond hair is Moby. He’s my stepbrother and he’s a dick.”

She nodded, narrowing her eyes. “Good to know. I’ll probably spin in his beer.”
