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I know what I want out of life.

I want Jenna Dexter to be mine, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get her.




Three Weeks Later

I pour over the script for Kept by the Keeper, learning my lines, as I wait for the chemistry test to begin. I did this once already with Jonathan Pearson. I didn’t have much, if any, chemistry with him but the studio insisted. I was actually happy he got fired. Now, I’ve got to do it again with Darren Sinjin. He’s an action star, but I swear I’ve met him before; I just can’t place him. This is my first grown-up role, having been stuck in a contract for sequels for ten years. I’m twenty now, and I am ready to take the world by storm. No more kids' movies, I promised myself. Mallory Grier is a prolific writer of romance, but I had never read her before auditioning for this role. Now, I’ve devoured all of her books. I never knew this kind of book world was out there, but I’m never looking back.

“Your flowers arrived,” Kylie, my assistant says, coming into the room.

“Still no card?” I ask. I have received a dozen red roses, both my favorite color and flower, once a week since I was fourteen years old. I have no idea who they are from, but they are my favorite and always way too pretty to toss with the other stuff the crazy fans send me.

“No, Jen. Maybe one day,” she says. She’s ten years older than I am and has been with me since my mother stopped coming to the set with me when I was twelve. There is only so many ways to magically kill dragons before she had enough.

“Okay. Dresser this week,” I say pointing to my dresser. I’ve put them all over the house or in my trailer if I’m on set. I should be worried that this person always knows where I am without fail, but I’m not. I have a security team if needed and any expectation of privacy went out the window a long time ago.

“The car is here too,” she says, handing me my purse, sunglasses, and phone. I can get these things myself, but she insists.

“Thank you. Are you coming with?”

“Do you need me too? I was going to do some social media posts about the book and the rest of the packing.”

“Oh, no. You do that. Thanks, Kylie.”

“No problem. Good luck. Hopefully this guy is better than the last.”

“Hopefully,” I say agreeing with her before going out to the car.

“Holbrook Studios, ma’am?” Grant, my driver, asks.

“Yes please.” I settle into the backseat and continue reading the script. This is going to be so good. Even the nude scenes are tasteful.

I walk into the room I was directed to and see Aric Holbrook first. He’s the director. I’ve never worked with him, but I hear great things.

Then I see him. Holy shit, do I see him.

“Jenna Dexter meet Darren Sinjin,” Aric says, introducing us.

“Hi. Nice to meet you,” I reply, shaking his outstretched hand. A zap of electricity hits me and I can’t moan a little. Darren’s eyes widen and I know we don’t really need a chemistry test. It’s flying around the damn room.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he says and I shiver.

“Let’s, uh, begin, shall we?” Aric says. “Start at the top of page thirty-five.”

We both flip to that page and I begin reading.

“You shouldn’t be here, Gavin. My father will kill you.”

“I’d die for you, Arabella. I’d die for just a taste of your lips.”

“My lips?” I inch closer to him, in anticipation.

“Yes. Those lips would cause wars to break out.”

“Then take your kiss and go.”

Darren’s script hits the floor and then his lips are on mine.

“Cut,” Aric says, but the kiss doesn’t stop. Darren’s hands touch my cheeks, which isn’t in the script, and moves further into my hair. “Cut. No really you can stop. Darren!” he finally shouts and Darren moves away. Again I moan. What is up with that?

“Well, it looks like I’ll see you two in England tomorrow night. See Irene on your way out for your tickets, Darren.”

“Um, wow,” I say touching my lips.

“Sorry, did I take it too far? This is my first love scene.”

“No. uh, me too, that was perfect,” I tell him. “Have we met?”

“Yes. A long time ago. I was an extra.”

“Oh. That’s it? The only place?”

“I think so,” he says and instantly I don’t believe him. I know I’ve seen him in person recently.

“So, I guess I’ll see you in Bath?”

“You will.”

I leave the room hastily but pause just outside, leaning against the wall.

Breathe, Jenna, Breathe.

This is going to be fun.

Three Days Later

I look over the call sheet that Kylie just handed me. Three scenes today. All kissing scenes, but no lovemaking scenes yet.

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