Page 3 of SEAL my Fate

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When he turned to face me, there was a flash of desire then he saw my scar. I hated that his face fell, or at least it seemed to. Would he have asked me out if he thought I was hideous?

The scar that has haunted me since I was five years old. I should be dead, but I’m not. I was in my father’s shop, but I was supposed to be coloring at his desk. Instead, I got curious and wandered out into the garage bay. I remember the song that was blaring from an old boom box mounted on the wall. All these years later, the damn thing is still there and still works.

Enter Sandman by Metallica. I remember the sounds of the air gage and the sudden squeal of brakes. Then nothing. I woke up in the hospital several days later, I was told. A new mechanic at the shop didn’t know I was there and ran me over. I was dragged around the parking lot for a while before someone noticed me and stopped him. I should be dead, but I’m not. I live with the reminders of that every day. The scars on my face are from the gravel in the parking lot. The ones on my chest and thighs are from the car itself. As I’ve gotten older, some scars have faded, and they are still visible, but I’ll never forget the lesson I learned that day: curiosity and I don’t get along. I’ve played it safe ever since that day, but I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to throw myself headfirst into him, maybe even pussy first. Who am I right now?

After finishing my classroom, I leave the school and drive to my parent’s house. I just moved out last year. It was time. I was still sharing a room with my thirteen-year-old sister, which was awful. She’s nothing but a jumble of hormones right now, and I’d be dealing with that enough at work. I had just gotten home from college and got my job. It’s only my second year teaching, but I’m still in love with it. Most of the day, I teach varying grades of English, but one class a day is drama. I love teaching it. I had hoped to be an actor one day, but I am just too self-conscious to audition. Besides, teaching it is better.

“Hey, mama,” I say, walking in the front door.

“Hey, girlie. Did you get your classroom all set up?”

“Yep. I’m all ready to go.”

“Good. Joey says his brother is back in town and got a job at the high school. I said you could look out for him, show him the ropes.”

“Oh, he got the job then?” I ask casually.

“Yeah. Did you meet him today?”

“I did. He seems like a nice man.”

“Oh, he is. I didn’t have any classes with him, since I was older, but we did go to the Y at the same time.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear that. I’ve said I’d have dinner with him tonight.”

“A date? You never go out on dates.”

“I know. I can’t really explain it. He asked me, and I knew I had to say yes.”

“Girlie, this is a big deal for you.”

“I know. I’m going to go through with it this time,” I say, really assuring myself of that fact more so than my mom.

“Of course, you will, and you will have a lovely time.”

“Can I borrow your black cocktail dress? I don’t know where he’s taking me, and I don’t really have going out clothes.”

“Of course, girlie. Come on. I’ve got some gold sandals that pair nicely with it; that way, you won’t be in heels if he takes you Cosmo’s,” she says, referencing the casual seafood restaurant down on the beach. Everywhere around here is pretty much two minutes from the water, and I love it. The ocean makes everything better.

A little while later, I leave the dress, shoes, and clutch purse in a reusable TJ Maxx bag. Mama and I love shopping, and getting things at a bargain is our favorite pastime.

At home, I tidy up because I’ve never had anyone over. All my friends from around here married and started their families right out of high school or moved on to greener pastures. Either way, they don’t have much time to hang out with their boring, single friend. If we do get together, it’s at Cosmo’s or Uncle Joey’s bar, the Heavy.

I take a quick shower, making sure to shave my legs even though I just did it this morning. The dress I borrowed is shorter than I usually wear. Since I don’t wear makeup, I brush my teeth and put on some Chapstick. I usually straighten my wild curls, but I let them dry naturally. I look in the mirror and realize I look so different than I usually do.

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