Page 8 of Fake It With Me

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What am I supposed to do? Shake my head no?

“Uh, sure,” I say, glancing at Hunter.

“If you get married, and if you two want kids—don’t wait. Just do it. Because you never know how long it will take.”

My cheeks burn with embarrassment. It was bad enough when my mom made that comment about us. But to have someone talking about our future kids…ugh.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” says Hunter, saving me from having to answer. Meanwhile, I desperately try to think of a way to change the subject. But the stupid topics of marriage and babies keep floating around in my head.

“So what do you do, Hunter?” my aunt asks from the other side of the table.

Relieved, I relax as Hunter starts to tell her about his work. The funny thing is, as I listen to him talk, I actually feel proud of him as if he really is my boyfriend.

And I can’t help but think: Hunter really would be a good boyfriend, wouldn’t he?

But why am I even thinking those kinds of thoughts? It’s probably being at a wedding that’s making me think that way. It’s all the romance surrounding us. It’s seeing my sister get married. It’s—

“Hey, sis,” a happy voice says, and I look up to see Hallie standing behind me.

“Hey,” I say, jumping out of my chair to give my sister a hug. “Congratulations. I can’t believe you’re married!”

“Crazy, right?” says Hallie. She squeezes me again, then looks at Hunter. “Oh, hi, Hunter! You’re…here with Lydia?”

“They’re dating now, Hallie,” my mom pipes up.

My sister’s eyes widen. “You guys are?”

“Yep,” I say quickly. “Oh, Hallie, you look beautiful. That dress fits you like a dream.”

Thankfully, mentioning my sister’s dress is enough to nudge the conversation away from Hunter and myself. My sister grins and does a little spin, showing off the dress.

“I was so worried when I went into my last fitting,” she says. “But it’s good, isn’t it?”

“It’s perfect,” I say. “It’s how I always imagined it would be.”

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