Page 6 of Fake It With Me

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She snorts, then drums her fingers on her thigh. “Maybe it happened at the coffee shop. Maybe some guy came in and tried to rob the place, and—”

“Seriously, Lydia?”

The intersection light changes green and I make the turn. Lydia glances at her phone and tells me the next turn coming up.

“Okay,” she says afterward. “How about this…I dragged you along with me to go shoe shopping. You indulged me, because you’re a good friend. And after three hours of dragging you around to different stores, you helped me find the perfect shoes and I realized you were the one.”

My chest does something funny. “The one?”

“I mean…the one I want to be with.”

“Ah. Right.”

“And when I admitted it to you…you realized you’d always wanted me, too.”

I take the next turn. “Yeah. Let’s go with that.”

“Cool,” says Lydia, and glances at her phone again. “In about four blocks, take another right.”

* * *

Lydia’s sister’swedding is held in an upscale venue overlooking the water. It’s pretty much what I expect from Lydia’s sister. I don’t know Hallie well, but a classy place like this is definitely in line with her personality.

I park in the lot and Lydia and I get out of the car. Lydia smooths down the skirt of her dress as we walk up to the venue. As soon as we step inside, we’re enveloped in the noise and bustle of the event. There’s a pre-ceremony reception, apparently—drinks and fancy-looking hors d'oeuvres are being carried around the room by waiters. I swipe two of something that looks like shrimp and give one to Lydia.

“Mmm,” she says, chewing and swallowing the bite. “Keep that waiter away from me, or I’ll eat the whole platter.”

Within minutes of our arrival, Lydia’s parents find us. Lydia’s mom gives me a hug and I shake hands with her dad. Having been friends with Lydia for so long, I’ve known them a long time, too. It’s good to see them—although the realization that I’m going to be lying to them does make me feel a little guilty.

“I didn’t realize you were coming with Lydia,” says her mom, smiling widely at me. “We just assumed Lydia would be coming alone.”

“Actually, Mom, Dad,” says Lydia, sliding her hand into mine—a feeling that is both natural and strange—“Hunter and I are dating now.”

“You are?” Both of her parents’ faces light up, and the guilt in my gut intensifies. “That’s wonderful, Lydia. How long as this been going on?”

“A few weeks,” Lydia and I say in tandem.

Her parents both laugh.

“Well, that’s great,” says her dad, giving me a friendly slap on the shoulder.

Lydia’s mom nods enthusiastically. “It really is. You know, I always had my suspicions about you two.”

I feel Lydia’s hand stiffen in mine.

“Mom,” says Lydia, her voice tight.

But Lydia’s mom just smiles at the two of us, taking the sight of us in.

“A handsome couple, indeed,” she says.

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