Page 14 of Fake It With Me

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6 Months Later

Me: Hey, can you meet me at the coffee shop in 15?

Lydia: Uh…aren’t they closed? It’s after 6.

Me: They’re open. Just meet me there.

Lydia: Pretty sure they’re closed. But ok.

I setdown my phone and look around the coffee shop. I’m a little nervous, but mostly I’m just excited as hell. I’ve been waiting for this moment since the day Lydia and I officially started a relationship.

A few weeks ago, when I started to think about where I wanted to propose to Lydia, the coffee shop immediately came to mind. Not just during any old coffee shop work session, though. I wanted to make it special. So I talked to the owner and got him to agree to let me use the place after they closed.

Now, I’m standing in the empty coffee shop, flowers and candles all around the place. My old self would have laughed at the scene, but my new self feels like it’s just right. Being with Lydia has done that to me, I guess.

I don’t even hate the idea of having a big crazy wedding, if that’s what she wants.

The next fifteen minutes of waiting for Lydia feels like eons. And as the moment of Lydia’s arrival nears, every person who walks by out on the sidewalk gets my heart racing.

Finally, I see her.

She’s here.

My gorgeous girl.

“Hunter?” Lydia says, opening the door and slowly walking in. “What’s…all this?”

“It’s for you,” I say. I smile and walk over to her. Has she figured it out yet? She looks so amazed but also so confused.

I take her face into my hands and kiss her. Then I drop down to one knee.

“Hunter,” she whispers, drawing in a breath.

“Lydia,” I say, taking her hand. “The last six months have been amazing. You’ve always been my best friend, but I feel closer than ever to you now. And I never want to be without you. As a friend, as a lover…you’re my whole world.”

“Oh, Hunter,” says Lydia, her voice cracking. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I say. “And I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is where I started to fall in love with you. Right here. Working next to you, day after day. And I want to know…will you keep working next to me for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me, Lydia?”

She laughs and falls into my arms. “I will. I so will.”

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