Page 10 of Fake It With Me

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The upbeat song we’ve been dancing to fades into a slower one, and the mood instantly shifts around us.

Lydia and I look at each other, unsure of what to do. I didn’t agree to slow-dancing when I brought her out to the dance floor. And the thought of holding her close to me…I don’t know about that.

On the other hand, the two of us leaving the dance floor right now is going to look pretty shitty.

I sigh and step forward, wrapping my arms around Lydia’s waist.

“Whatever, we’re here,” I mumble into her ear.

She nods, then lifts her arms up and places them around my shoulders.

And, slowly, we begin to sway.

We don’t talk as we slow dance. We just move, our arms slung loosely around each other’s bodies. I’ve never held Lydia like this. Honestly, I thought it would feel more awkward than it does. But with my hands on the curve of her hips…shit. She feels good.

Without really thinking about it, as we continue to move, I pull her a little closer to me. Lydia doesn’t pull back, but she does angle up her head to look at me. Amused curiosity floods her face.

“What are you doing?” she says quietly.

“Nothing,” I say.

“What do you mean, nothing? You just pulled me closer.”

I shrug. “You were too far away.”

“Uh…okay,” she laughs. But then she looks at me and our gaze holds. She swallows. She blinks at me.

And without even thinking about it, I dip my head down and press my lips to hers.

I can feel her surprise as I kiss her. But a second later, she’s kissing me back. We turn half a circle, still kissing, and it’s like everything in our lives has lead up to this moment.

And we would keep kissing, except I bump into someone. I pull my lips away from Lydia and shoot a look over my shoulder.

“Sorry,” I say. The couple we just bumped into give Lydia and I knowing smiles.

When my eyes move back to meet Lydia’s, she’s looking at me in a way she’s never looked at me before.

“You kissed me,” she says, astonished.

“I did?” I say, feigning ignorance.

She laughs. But then her eyes go serious.

“Do it again,” she says.

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