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I go to do it again, but he grabs at my palm before I can. Forcefully holding it there in midair as his eyes collide with mine. They carry a similar razor-sharp edge as mine. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting my presence, let alone the slap, but he deserves it.

I know he’s pissed, but that makes two of us.

The shallow tilt of Iceman’s head would be terrifying to anyone else forced into this close proximity. Like I’ve told him in the past though, I’m not everyone else.

My eyes glint. He can’t scare me.

“Everyone out,” Cole says with an alarming sense of calmness. Eyes never leaving me the entire time. His jaw pulses. “My girl wants to have a chat.”

“Your girl?” I choke out the question on an empty laugh only after everyone’s gone.

I pull away and his fingers unlock easily. He’s held me in his grasp the entire time it took them all to leave. Locked in midair like the claw from a stuffed animal-filled machine.

“Not anymore, Iceman.”

His jaw grates, but other than that, he’s statuesque in his position.

“Why did you do it?” I whip around, circling him.

His hand drops as his spine straightens with his ego. “Gonna have to be more specific, Princess. I do lots of things.”

“Cut the bull.”

He grins, but it’s savage. “Oh, she’s feisty tonight, folks.”

“Why did you do it?”

“It’s alright, I always did like a little crazy with my cornflakes,” Cole remarks. Avoiding the question and being an ass about it too.

“Amusing,” I deadpan.

“You’re the one who came in swinging, baby.”

Why does he suddenly sound amused? And why does it make me more attracted to him?Mostimportantly, why don’t I instantly want to tear out his eyes from their sockets for acting this way?

“I came in here to have a discussion, a chat.”

“Is that not what we’re doing?” He says it innocently, but I can hear the underlying arrogance.

Cole’s tone is so self-righteous that only he can upset me while simultaneously making my skin prickle with a fury of desire.

I clear my head on a spiritless breath.

“I came in because I know what you did.”

“And just like that, death loses its lure.” He broods like he’s suddenly a poet.

I jerk around, stopping before him. “What’s your problem?” I spat.

“Stop pretending to be naive, Rory. We both know why you came in here and it’s not because I signed you up to be the new water girl. We both know this is exactly like something I’d do.” His jaw squares in shortness. “So, save your excuses, Princess.”

My throat burns.

“You knew it would upset me, and you still did it anyway.” I try and defend but it comes off weak. I’m still trying to rationalize that he admitted it.

My hands start to shake because he’s right, and I hate it. Same as I do every time, he points out the truth.

“You came in here all high and mighty of your own free will.” The cushion of his thumb touches the vein on my neck. His eyes brighten in fascination when I swallow. Feeling that pulse point jump.
