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That button in his mind clicks off, shutting down and I do nothing to stop it.

He’s left and I’m alone inside a closet that somehow feels ten times smaller than it had before.

Somehow—I don’t really remember—I manage to make it back to the Caspers’.

I squint, raising a hand to my forehead to block out the glare coming from across the fountain and below the steps.

A car sits there that I don’t recognize but I don’t have to pull the key from my pocket to guess who it belongs to.

It’s Cole’s signature color that gives it away. The jeep’s the exact same model as the one Abram had given me but this one isn’t sitting at the bottom of a lake, rotting to nothing.

My pulse jumps.

The shade so similar to my eye color that I should be unnerved but am the opposite. How I hadn’t realized this before is shocking. Even more astonishing is that it’s the exact same color as his Ferrari.

I climb inside and run my fingers along the wheel. Refamiliarizing myself with the size and features. It has all the newest updates.

Looking around, I spot a small piece of folded cardstock and pluck it between my thumb and index.

Stop overthinking.

PS You’ll need a car for work anyway. -C

I flick the card away in a dazed huff. Cole’s handwritten words now carrying a dual purpose after what just happened between us at his house.



Imanagetomakeit to the hellhound’s first game of the season right before tip-off.

Work was rough today and I’m exhausted, but I made it. After a full day of school, driving downtown and back to school afterward, all I want to do is take a shower and go to bed.

I’d never say it, but Cole had been right about the car thing. It’s come in handy and it’s way better than having to con rides all the time. I love Hails but sometimes it’s nice driving alone.

I’d started to forget what it’s like to have the windows down, music up, kind of drives in complete solitude. There’s something cathartic about them.

My hand reaches for my belly when it starts to growl. Rumbling in its groans of hunger. I haven’t had dinner yet and the concessions are calling my name, but I decide to wait until at least half.

Finn will most likely not only go back on our deal, but then I might not get to see them play. I’m more excited to watch than I originally thought I’d be.

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen firsthand how hard they’ve worked getting ready for the season. In minutes it will all pay off and they’ll be able to show off their skills.

Our deal is as ridiculous as it is one sided, but I did agree to go to every home game and I’m not going back on my word.

My stomach bubbles again, but this time it’s not out of hunger. Okay—so I’m excited to see almost all of them.

By the time I arrive, both teams are already out on the court warming up. Luckily, I manage to spot Finn, giving him a little wave before taking a seat next to Hailey.

I don’t get the chance to do much more than that before he’s called into a huddle, but I’m okay with it. It’s the way that the one side of his mouth goes crooked at spotting me. It unsettles me because it’s almost like he can’t believe I kept up with the deal.

Deep down, though, I know it’s not only that. He’s surprised that I’m still here at all and it unnerves me.

“Nice paint job,” I offer Hailey. Shoving a handful of her popcorn into my mouth. My stomach hums its approval at the buttery saltiness.

“I can do yours next game?”

“I’d like that,” I agree.
