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“Time to go, short stack,” Finn says interrupting as he jogs over. Feet crunching on the gravel before coming to a stop before us. “We’ve got a long day ahead.”

My head pulls away because I still don’t understand Alma’s twisted appearance. She seems jumpy and I don’t think it’s because of Finn’s appearance.

Finn clears his throat, tucking his hands in his pockets awkwardly. Several drawn-out seconds passed—Oh, right!

“Alma, this is my brother, Finn. Finn, Alma.” Introducing them officially.

They’d been in her restaurant all day yesterday and last night, but I’d been the only one to tell her hello or goodbye.

“Did you say the B word?” Finn asks, smiling demurely.

It stirs something inside me because we—nope—are definitely not focusing on how it’s melting my insides.

Nope definitely not focusing on that.

Just stating facts. Yep, that’s all we are doing.

Alma thankfully takes some of the pressure off me by extending her hand.

There’s an awkward pause, her hand hanging out in limbo. The weight on my shoulders settles like a whoosh of air when his mouth curves up again.

“Anyone who’s a friend of my lil sis deserves more than a handshake,” Finn asserts. Surprising us both when he pulls her in for a hug instead.

My ribs literally squeeze and melt under the intensity of the sweet gesture.

To either of them, it’s probably nothing, but to me, it’s like my two worlds are colliding. The old part of my life solidified with the new.

One accepting of my past, the other, my future.

It’s a surreal moment, to say the least.

Finn pulls back but doesn’t let go completely. “Something tells me you know how to make a mean milkshake and fry combo.”

Winking playfully in my direction as I roll my eyes. Alma the only one who finds his naturally flirtatious personality amusing. Unknowing that she’s laughing entirely at my expense.

Finn looks over his shoulder, a somberness settling then as he breaks the hold. I know what that look means without him having to say it. It’s time to go.

“I’ll give you two a minute.” Backpedaling with two stern fingers pointed from my eyes to his. Waving them back and forth between us. “But seriously, only a minute.”

The moron is already halfway back to the car.

I could fire something witty off about him taking more time to pick out a pair of shoes in the morning, but I don’t have the heart.

Not right now, at least. Not when this is… goodbye. For good this time.

Alma’s right, I can’t keep hiding. And as much as it hurts, it’s time to move on from this place. I can’t use it as a crutch anymore.

Lillian may have been stuck to her past but that isn’t going to be me. Not anymore, not ever.

She pulls me into her chest, and I bury my neck into her shoulder. This is it.

“You be strong, okay? Don’t forget to show them all the RoryIknow,” Alma demands. Expecting nothing less from me.

I nod into the crook, promising her with everything that I am, that I will.

“You’re going to be fine. I promise.”

She somehow manages to get a few sentences out. Whereas all I can choke down is the saltiness of the tears coating my mouth. Alma has always been stronger than me.
