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“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he growls in my ear.

Adrenaline claws at my throat. The cloak of darkness is giving me the courage I wouldn’t usually have. “I know. I’m feeling reckless.”

His groan vibrates my entire back, and his heavy, ragged breathing in my ear brings me one step closer to the edge. “Be careful, Dahlia Rose,” he growls, lips brushing against the nape of my neck.

Oh my god, I could die. I could die right now and the coroner would rule the cause of death to be a heart attack.

A cross between a gargle and a moan escapes my parted lips. “Careful of what?” I manage.


The silence wraps around us, crackling with electric tension. Eventually, I whisper into the darkness, “Can I ask you a question?”

“No. Go to sleep.”

I ask it anyway. “Why are you so scared to admit that you like me?”

The rumble this time comes from deep within his chest, and when he wraps a tree-trunk arm around my waist and drags me into his body, it snatches my breath away. “Can you feel that?” he murmurs, lips brushing against my ear lobe.

I freeze. I think I’d feel that even I was fucking dead. Something hard, somethingbig,splitting my ass cheeks in two.

“Breathe. And answer the question.”

The answer comes out in one long hiss of hot air. “Yes,” I garble.

He presses his rock-solid erection deeper into the curve of my ass. “That’s what you do to me, Dahlia Rose. You make me very hard, and I despise you for it. You’re a distraction, one that I can’t tear myself away from. Releasing you from the Van der Boors was my mistake. Playing games with me will be yours. Now shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”

I’m stunned into silence, not daring to move even a fraction. His arm is still locking me in place, like an iron rod over my stomach.

There’s another one against the small of my back.

Finally, I find my voice. I never lose it for long, which is probably why I’m always in some sort of trouble. “It scares you, doesn’t it? Not being in control.”

He breathes through his nostrils and says, “I am always in control.” After a heavy pause, he adds, “But yes, you test it.”

I’m surprised by his honesty. With a quiver on my lip, I ask, “What happens if you lose it?”

His arm around my waist stiffens. Pulls me tighter against his chest. Against his hard cock. My fingers twitch to touch it and a moan forms in my throat.

His voice is a million degrees colder than his touch. “Bad things. I’m not a kind man, Dahlia.”

“What type of bad things?” I choke out.

There’s a pause and just when I think he won’t answer, he says, “Bad things to you. To your body…” he groans into the pillow behind my head. “You’ve been through enough.”

My heart hitches in my throat, and the heat in my pussy feels like it’s about to boil over. I lick my lips and whisper. “What bad things do you want to do to me?”


“Tell me.”

Slowly, his arm snakes upwards. He’s so gentle, brushing over my aching nipples and panting chest like I’m made from porcelain. When his fingers curl around my throat, his thumb pressed against my slamming pulse, his hold is just as gentle too. “I want to break you, Dahlia Rose.”

Oh my god. I want that so bad. I wanthimso bad.

I didn’t think his erection could grow any harder, but it’s practically penetrating my asshole, straining against his underwear.

“Then why don’t you?” I choke out, lifting my chin to expose my neck to him. “I owe you a favor, don’t I?”

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