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“You know what’s like kryptonite to a man? Whining. If a woman whines long enough and at the right frequency, he’ll give her anything she wants.”

“So, you whined until your father convinced Lorcan to give me a phone?”

“You got it. Threw in a few sobs and slammed doors to speed up the process.”

A grin splits my face. “You don’t strike me as a whiner.”

“I’m not. I’m just a master manipulator who knows how to work daddy. Hey, listen,” I hear movement in the background, like she’s walking from one room to another. “I have a question. How’s Lorcan treating you?”

The question comes out of nowhere. “Uh, fine?”

Her voice lowers. “Look, I know the deal. Men in our world… this is what they do. Women are a commodity to them. I want to make sure you’re being treated right.”

My gaze drifts out of the window, past the gaggle of guards and to the gray skies over the hedges. Is this the chance to escape I’ve been looking for? If I tell Nova I’m not being treated right, what could she do about it?

I shake my head. After last night, I’m not going anywhere. Besides, looking down at the solemn faces on the guards in the gardens, I have a feeling I’m safer here than out there, anyway. “I’m good, Nova. But thanks for asking. He looks after me.”

Her reply is quick. “Don’t rely on it.”

“Rely on what?”

“Him looking after you.” Is she whispering now, or is the connection dropping out? I squeeze my eyes shut to hear her better. “I don’t rely on the protection of my family, which is why I’m a black belt in Karate and could shoot a tin can from a hundred feet away. Listen.” Yeah, she’s definitely whispering.


“I said, listen. Be ready to kick a dude in the balls faster than your man could put a gun to his head. Okay?”


“Are you understanding me, Poppy?”

My heart thumps against my chest, confused. “Uh, yeah? I guess.”

“Good.” Then, her voice returns to normal. “When this all blows over, let’s go for a drink okay?” she says breezily. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I have enough whining in me to get you out of that ivory tower for a night. See ya soon.”

And with that, the line goes dead.

I stare at the phone, trying to register what the hell just happened. Either the girl I thought was super cool is actually a bit of an unhinged nutter… or she was trying to give me an ominous message.

I’m not sure what I’d prefer.


I’m curled up in the living room in the main estate, taking good use of this new ‘no locked door’ policy. Feet curled up underneath me, a magazine on my lap and hot cocoa in my hand. For a moment, I can pretend life is almost normal.

Orna breezes in with a vacuum, then stop in surprise when she sees me. “Did you escape the museum only to come and chill in the reception room?” She catches me mid-slurp, and I spray a few chocolatey droplets over the seat cushion. “Oh my god I’m so sorry,” I groan, slamming the mug down on the coffee table and giving the plush fabric a hard scrub.

“Don’t worry about it,” she says breezily, crossing the room, picking up the whole sofa seat and flipping it over. “There, good as new. Just don’t do it again. I’m running out of sides to flip over.”

I laugh. “Jesus, how much are you being paid to be a housekeeper?”

She flashes me a grin. “Not enough in this household.” With a dramatic sigh, she flops onto the seat next to me and tugs the magazine off my lap and starts flicking through it. “So, what are you doing out here, then? Lorcan’s loosened your leash?”

“Something like that.”

“Well, enjoy the peace and quiet, I certainly am. It’s been manic here for the last few weeks with all the different families coming and going. I’ve worn a path into the carpet from the drawing-room to the kitchen, going back and forth so much.”

I seize my opportunity to be nosy. “Where are they now, then?”

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