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‘Va bene?’

Okay? She blinked up at him, wondering why she was fighting this, why she was dreading the idea of a honeymoon with this man in Venice, but unable to put her finger on it.

The doors pinged open but neither of them moved. It was as though their feet were bolted to the floor, as though there were something about the confines of the lift that required them to remain. Olivia felt as though she were about to move into a different realm, as though the moment she moved, everything would change and be different.

A steady, rhythmic whooshing sound broke through the spell, so they both turned in unison to regard the helicopter, with its rotor blades beginning to spin.

The luxury craft had a high enough body that there was no risk from the blades to either of them, no need to bend down as they approached. ‘Are you ready?’ he asked, not sure what the question referred to. The small frown on her lips showed she didn’t either.

‘I think so.’

And despite the fact they’d agreed to a hands-off marriage, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to reach down and take her hand in his, to guide her to the helicopter. The most natural thing in the world to hold her hand as she stepped up, only releasing it when she was seated, and then his own hand seemed to tingle, as if the ghost of her touch remained. Luca had conquered a lot in his thirty-three years, and desiring his wife was just another thing he would need to manage. But the strength of his desire was unexpected. For the first time in his life, Luca felt as though possessing a woman, this woman, was essential to his being. It had never been like this before, even with Jayne, even though he’d loved her. Perhaps, he rationalised as the helicopter lifted up into the sky, it was simply the temptation of forbidden fruit.

Yes, that was all he was dealing with—a simple case of pleasure denied. For a long time Luca had got everything he’d ever wanted in life. Not by accident, but through sheer hard work and grit. Having lost everything once, he’d made sure that would never happen again. As for women, he only had to show a hint of interest before they tumbled into his bed. He had never felt a rush of desire and known he couldn’t act on it. Until now.

Understanding himself better, Luca was sure he could ignore the rampant throb of need twisting inside him. He was, after all, Luca Giovanardi, and he’d never failed at a single thing once he put his mind to it...

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