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There is a rippling in the water, as I feel those around us shifting uncomfortably.

My mother closes her eyes, taking in my words, thinking through them.Of course,she says.You are land-born. Your natures fight together for dominance. One stronger on land, one under the sea. But it would seem the human in you has won.

Almost imperceptibly, every siren in the water drifts back an inch. All save my mother.

Is that a bad thing?I ask.

Not to me,she says softly, so only I can hear.

And everyone else?I ask just as quietly.

It may take them longer to warm up. But never mind that for now. I want to show you something.

This time, instead of swimming ahead without me, she takes my hand. I had every intention of following, but I enjoy the contact. I know what it means. This time, she is not giving me a chance to become separated from her.

We swim around the group of sirens, who start chatting among themselves.

What is that covering her skin?

She smells like a human.

Why does the queen welcome her?

She’s an outsider.

My mother halts, turns, and sings one booming note all in the same movement.

Enough!the song commands. Every mouth closes, as though forced shut with a hand at the top of their heads and under their chins.

With my hand still in hers, she pulls me closer to land.

Do the sirens have to obey your song?I ask.

Yes, but it’s not the same as when we sing to men. I am their queen. My voice moves the charm.

The charm?

The entirety of our people together is called a charm. I say where we swim, what we do, and the charm follows. It is in our nature. It’s different from the magic that compels men.

Like a queen bee commanding her swarm.

It doesn’t work on me, though,I say, knowing this somehow. She can’t command me.

No. It is in you to become a queen. You are my daughter. You are meant to rule when my soul passes.

That halts me in place. Rule the sirens? My mind has always been set on ruling the sea. I have a crew to care for and command. I can’t take over the charm.

But I shake the thought from my head and continue to swim after her. It’s not something that needs addressing now.

I know it’s a lot to take in. You’ll fit in and understand. Just wait until you see!

The ocean bed grows rocky as we approach a new side of the shore. A series of rocks opens into an underground cave. Mother swims through, holding my hand the entire way. The path growsdarker, but we can still see. Urchins and starfish cling to the rocks. Barnacles open as the current moves through the cave. But the current is no deterrent for Mother and me. We push right on through it.

Eventually, the cave widens into a cavern. It’s very deep, the bottom some fifty feet below. And resting atop it…

So much gold and silver.

In coins, jewelry, goblets, and dishes. Encasing precious stones and gems.
