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To know that at a time not of her choosing she would be handed back her heart and would have to nurse it from broken to functioning.

‘I’m going to speak to the investigator tomorrow afternoon,’ Dante said. ‘Do you want to come?’

‘You would think there would be something by now. Some news,’ Alicia said.

‘Give them a chance. It’s not the same...’

She could feel he was half asleep. ‘Same as what?’

‘Well, there are no trails. She didn’t even have a phone.’

‘I doubt she’d have answered if she did.’

‘I mean phone records and tracking and all that. Bank records and stuff. They are looking.’

‘I know. Will you tell your father about his son?’

‘Doubt it,’ he said. ‘And I’m scared to do that DNA thing. I could have relations everywhere. Nightmare.’

They were so, so different.

She put her hand up and stopped him from playing with her hair, but he didn’t mind a bit. He rolled over onto his stomach and went straight back to sleep—though she would hardly describe it as the sleep of the innocent.

Was he beautiful? Oh, yes.

Would she be lying here now if she hadn’t sneaked in and stripped at his bedside? No.

And it was just her luck to love him.

She slipped out of bed, but there was no sulking, no storming off. He didn’t even notice she’d gone.

A good thing—because right now Alicia would prefer to be alone.


‘HOWCOMEYOUwent to your own suite?’

‘I’m the perfect woman.’ Alicia gave a tight smile. ‘What time are you meeting your father?’


‘How long do you think you’ll be?’

‘A couple of hours or ten minutes. Think about coming to see the investigator this afternoon, maybe? And we need to speak about that window.’

‘What window?’

‘We had unprotected sex yesterday.’

‘Thank you for the reminder.’

He gave her a kiss as he left but Alicia pulled her head back.

‘Ciao.’It was Alicia who said it this time.

‘Ciao,’Dante said.

Clearly he did not feel the need to go scavenging for affection or a deeper kiss before he headed down to meet with his father.
