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‘I do,’ said her dad, and Mary looked over to see him smiling.

‘Thank you,’ she said as he let her go with such grace.

And then she listened as Costa gave her his chosen vows.

‘I, Costa Stavros Leventis...’

She smiled for she hadn’t known his middle name until this moment.

‘...promise to love you and be there for you always. To debate at times, perhaps...’ he smiled ‘...but always from a place of love. That will never change.’

It was overwhelming and it was wonderful to have his love offered so freely. It was precious too, and for a moment she wondered if it was possible to be this happy. She feared she might wake up and find him gone.

Except his olive hands held her pale shaking ones firmly.

‘I, Mary Elizabeth...’ She could barely get the words out she was shaking so much.

Costa steadied her with his warm touch and she fingered the little magnet she carried in her hand, so that it felt surely as if her mother smiled and gave her blessing.

‘Take your time,’ he whispered.

She nodded, and took a breath, for there was just one promise to make, just one promise to keep... ‘I, Mary Elizabeth Jones, will love you for the rest of my life and beyond.’

‘We’re good to go, then,’ he said as he slipped on the ring. ‘I’m going to kiss you now, Mary Leventis.’

No longer adrift, she stepped into his arms and Costa kissed his beautiful bride.

‘I can’t wait to take you home.’
