Page 51 of Billionaire Doctor

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A sort of concentration of emotions and feelings and people who were either desperate to be together or desperate to be apart.

Still, there was always a good party afterwards!

Everyone theyreallyadored piled back to Iosef’s that night as Millie and Levander packed their bags in preparation for their early morning flight.

‘You should have booked a hotel,’ Millie chided from the bedroom, frantically trying to squeeze milk through a breast pump so she could freeze it for the flight back to the UK the next day. ‘It’s your wedding night and the two of you are stuck with us lot.’

‘But we love you lot.’

‘You’ll come and see us in England?’ Millie asked for the hundredth time.

‘I think Iosef’s already booked the flights!’

‘George wants to play strip poker!’ Annika, Iosef’s younger sister, plonked herself on the bed. ‘I think things are starting to get out of hand.’

‘Talk to George!’ Annie mouthed as Iosef wandered into the bedroom and promptly wandered out again.

Jackie then tottered in with a lime margarita, as Levander turned on a massive plasma TV and ignored the women who sat chatting on the bed.

‘I think I made a better bridesmaid than bride...’ Annie stared down at her pale lilac dress critically. ‘I was really gorgeous, you know...’

‘You look fab,’ Millie scolded. ‘I wore jeans for my wedding.’

‘Poor Mum.’ Annika actually laughed. ‘She longs for a big white wedding, for a Kolovsky dress to be on the news. There’s still me, she says sadly, and Aleksi, too, I remind her.’

On cue he entered—shuddering at the thought.

‘Not a chance! Is this where the action is?’ he asked, sprawling on the bed. ‘Best wedding I’ve been to, by the way, Annie.’ Then flinched as Millie dug him in the ribs. ‘Well, one of the best...’

And it was family, just a crazy family that had never been like this before—one night that could never happen again, one night when for the first time they were all united.

Till Iosef came back.

‘Out...’ He shooed them like flies, flicked off the television when Levander didn’t budge, ushered out a giggling Annika and Jackie and even screwed on the top of Millie’s bottle of breast milk as he pushed her out, too. ‘If you lot don’t mind, I’d actually like to spend time with my wife.’

‘I don’t mind.’ Annie laughed when finally he turned the lock, when finally, despite the high antics outside the room, they were alone.

‘You really don’t, do you?’

‘Not a scrap.’

‘It’s our wedding night,’ Iosef attempted. ‘It should be about us.’

‘This is us...’ Annie said softly, holding him close, drinking him in. ‘This is about family and friends and still being able to be yourself. Anyway, we’ve got plenty of nights ahead when it’s just the two of us—let’s just enjoy them all for tonight.’

‘I love you.’

He said it again for the umpteenth time, held her so close she could barely squeeze out her answer, but hearing it again there on their wedding night it was like a poultice on a wound. She just accepted the relief that came with it.

‘I know that you do.’

Iosef’s love, the nicest of treasures to know.

