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She must be dreaming. Hallucinating, even. For he was dressed in military finery, and now that her eyes were adjusting she saw that the August Suite had a Christmas tree, with presents beneath it. And a dining table set for two.

Yes, she was dreaming, Antonietta decided. She would wake up in a moment and her pillow would be wet with tears and she would be late for duty...

‘I forgot my present,’ Rafe said when she could not speak.

‘I gave you your present, Rafe. The neroli oil, remember?’

‘Of course. It is on my dresser at home. I meant the chocolate.’

‘I gave it to Pino,’ Antonietta said, utterly unsure as to what was going on, and expecting him at any moment to disappear.

Except he did not disappear. In fact, when she walked over he wrapped her in his arms, but that only served to confuse her further.

‘I saw you on the balcony...on the television,’ she said.

‘That was a couple of hours ago. It would be a break with tradition if I did not appear...’

‘Rafe.’ She pulled back. ‘I cannot do this. Does Francesca—?’

‘Stop,’ he said. ‘There is no conflict—this is no clandestine meeting. She knows that I am here, and so do Nico and Aurora.’

‘They know?’

‘Of course. And they agree that Christmas Day should be spent with the people you love.Oui?’

Yes.Did that mean birthdays too? And all the other special days? Would he return to Silibri on a whim?

‘I haveravioli capresefor us,’ said Rafe, ‘and chocolate torte too...’

‘I’ve eaten, Rafe.’

Perhaps it was not the kindest reply, when he had gone to so much trouble, but Antonietta didn’t know what his being here meant.

When she didn’t lift the cloche, Rafe did.

But it was not a romantic dinner for two that lay beneath.

It was her Blue Grotto stone. She would recognise it anywhere, even set in a ring.

‘It’s beautiful, but...’

Rather than pick it up, she cast anxious eyes up to him.

‘Please don’t play with my heart, Rafe. Please don’t tell me that this sapphire means you will one day return...that we will kiss and be together again in the light of the Blue Grotto...’

‘I would never do that,’ Rafe said. ‘And it is not a sapphire, Antonietta. It is a diamond. Forgive me for ever thinking it should be a pendant. Weshallkiss and be together again in the light of the Blue Grotto—but as husband and wife...’


‘How not?’ Rafe said. ‘How could I ever marry anyone else? It would not just be unfair to us both, but it would be cruel to my wife also. I have my mother to thank for that insight.’

He told her the truth.

‘My father used to take his lovers to Capri, and I confess, for a while I considered doing the same with you. And Nico said that Silibri could be my bolthole...’

‘Never!’ Antonietta shook her head.

‘Silibri can beourbolthole,’ Rafe said. ‘I know it will be a huge change for you, and I know you might need time to think, and it’s a lot to take in...’

‘No,’ Antonietta said. ‘I don’t need to think—you are my lid.’


‘Every pot has its lid. And you, Rafe, are mine.’ She picked up her Blue Grotto ring and placed it on her own finger. ‘I would love more than anything in the world to be your wife.’

And then, when her bravery ran out, when she was daunted by all that lay ahead, Rafe carried her to the candlelit bedroom where he made her his lover for life.
