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‘Do you want to leave it to us?’ the senior clinician checked. ‘We’re very good.’

They were.

Naomi had never known her hair could be so smooth and glossy and it was gently pinned up, so that some curls fell at the front.

It was a look she had tried several times herself and failed to achieve.

Then the make-up artist set to work.

Her skin was incredibly pale, and they left it at that, just smoothed her complexion out. Her make-up was, in fact, very subtle, with neutral colours and soft lips, the only exception to that being her eyes. Though initially delicately shaded, the look was finished off with lashings of eyeliner, and when Naomi declined false lashes, they went to town with the mascara.

It was odd looking back at her reflection, but there was no big reveal because time was running out.

Instead, she put on a robe and was bundled into the car, like a child in pyjamas being taken home from her parents’ night out.

Only Naomi’s night was just starting.

Merida was waiting for her and it would seem the countdown had started because she practically raced her up the stairs.

‘Happy birthday,’ Merida said, once they were in Naomi’s rooms and she handed her another parcel.

‘You already got me a present.’

‘Well, I got you another one,’ Merida said.

They were silver knickers and the most amazing lacy silver bra.

‘Abe is not to see them,’ Merida warned, and Naomi laughed. ‘I mean it, Naomi. You look stunning, even in a robe. And I know he’s devastatingly handsome, but trust me when I say he’s wrong for you.’

‘I’ve already worked that out, Merida.’

‘No, I know I’ve told you but you have to listen to me—’

‘Merida,’ Naomi interrupted. ‘Leave it, please.’


And Naomi had seen it more times than most—the utter fog a new mother descended into, and the frown that formed when they first came blinking out of it and found that the world as they had once known it had completely changed.

‘What am I missing here?’ Merida asked.

‘Not much,’ Naomi said, and she tried not to cry on her new eyelashes as she held her friend’s hands. ‘But I know his reputation, and I also know why women fall so easily for him. He can be wonderful. So wonderful that you could choose not to believe the warnings and very easily believe you were the only girl in the world. Iknowall that.’

‘Oh, Naomi. I’d never have agreed to this if I’d known. I—’

‘No,’ Naomi interrupted. She’d had the whole day to think about it. ‘I’m so happy we get tonight and for a minute I can dance with him, and...’ Well, she didn’t go into detail but she wanted this night. Even if Abe had been put up to it by his father, even if she was a bit of a charity case, Naomi wanted a night on and in his arms. ‘I want to go the ball.’

‘Then you shall.’ Merida smiled and held open the bedroom door. ‘And I don’t get fairy godmother status for this. It was Abe...’

On her bed was the very dress she had tried on that day while he’d been fitted for his suits, and Naomi offered silent thanks to Felicia, who must have remembered her size.

‘Oh, my...’

She had never owned anything so heavenly before and then she checked herself. ‘Is it on loan?’

‘No,’ Merida said. ‘It’s yours.’

And where would she keep it? Naomi thought as she held up the decadent garment. The top was boned so it would fill up half a case, but she’d pay excess luggage for the rest of her life rather than ever let it go.
