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I nodded, and Brady squealed in the way only he could, dancing in his seat for a few moments before he straightened up. “And? Tell me everything!”

So I did. I told him how close we’d grown over the past few months, about the hiking trip, my nightmare, me kissing him, and then him asking me out.

“Oh, Luke, I’m so happy for you.”

I nodded. I was too. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so happy, but a part of me still wouldn’t let me believe in it. Believe that I could have this, that I deserved it. That I deserved Scott.

“What’s the matter?”

I swallowed and ran my finger along the edge of my mug as I spoke. “I’m scared.”

Brady nodded in understanding before grabbing my hand. “I know it’s scary, hon. But this could be something good. And remember, unlike last time, you have people in your corner now. Me, Angie, Mama D. We’re all here for you. And if Scott ever even thinks about hurting you, I’ll be there to kick his ass.”

I chuckled at the image, wondering how Scott would react when he found Brady’s tiny body throwing him onto his ass with one of his judo moves, even as the thought settled into my heart warmly. Brady was right. There were people I could turn to now. People who cared about me. I wasn’t alone anymore.

“Or, you know, I’ll drive Angie over soshecan kick his ass. I don’t think he could take me, honestly.”

I laughed outright this time before squeezing Brady’s hand and giving him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Brady.”

“Any time, hon.”

“Brady! Something’s wrong with Duo!” a voice shouted across the café, and Brady rolled his eyes. He’d named all of his coffee machines, a fact that always made me chuckle.

“That’s my signal,” he said, and I stood up to give him a hug before he left. He pressed a kiss against my cheek before giving me a smile. “Don’t be scared, yeah? We’re all here for you. I may not be the big brother you would want, but I’ll be there with tissues, wine, and bad movies if you need me.”

“You’re the only kind of big bro I want, Brady. I love you,” I told him without letting him go.

“Yeah, yeah. Now go before your boss scolds me for holding you up.” He gathered the dish and mugs, and he was gone. I shook my head. He had no problem showering me with love and comfort, but when I did the same for him, he got all flustered.

I waved him goodbye and headed out, feeling a lot better about everything. It was only once I was seated at my desk again that I realized I’d forgotten to get the cookies for Scott. Oh well, I’d just have to take him to the café sometime instead.



Anhourbeforemyworkday ended, I got a text from Mike asking me to drop into his office before I headed home. Since I was already done looking over all the files I had to review today, I turned off my computer and packed up before heading to Mike’s office, planning my date with Luke as I went. I had a pretty good idea of where I’d be taking him. All I needed was to do a bit of research before asking him.

I knocked on the open door to Mike’s office before stepping in. His office was warm and cozy, despite the fact that it had the same gray-white modern theme as the rest of the office. There were a couple of Zoey’s toys and coloring books lying on a shelf along with the client files for when she visited, while the walls and his desk were filled with pictures of his family, most taken by me, but there were a few where I was with them too, like the one from his and Roch’s wedding that sat on his desk.

“Scott! Come sit.” Mike waved at the guest chair as I approached his desk before walking over and taking the other one.

A few inches shorter than me, Mike was a third generation Japanese-American man. You could see hints of his Japanese heritage in his high cheekbones and black hair, though his blue eyes were exactly like his grandmother’s. The first time I met his grandpa, I thanked him for moving to the US because otherwise I wouldn’t have met Mike. Honestly, if it weren’t for Mike, I didn't know what would’ve happened to me, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be as happy as I was now without him and his unwavering support when I’d needed it the most.

“I’m so sorry I backed out of our trip last minute.”

I smacked the top of his head as I rolled my eyes. “I’d be annoyed if youhadn’tbacked out, idiot. Zoey was hurt, and she needed you. Simple as that.”

Mike smiled sheepishly. “You’re right. So, did you end up going then?”

“I did, but not alone,” I said as an involuntary smile spread across my face at the thought of my weekend.

His eyes widened in realization. “Did you ask Luke to come with you?”

I nodded, and he grinned at whatever expression he saw on my face. “Please tell me you asked him out.”

“I wasn’t going to. He’s been through a lot of shit, and I didn’t want to scare him off, you know? And after he told me exactly what had happened, I resolved to just be his friend and support him. But then he kissed me and started freaking out. I ended up telling him I liked him. It took a bit of convincing, but yeah, he agreed to go out with me.”

“Does that mean I’ll have to listen to even more talk about the absolutely-awesome-Luke?” Mike joked, and I gave him the finger.
