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“He’s been a great help. He painted the kitchen, but I’m sure we can manage the rest ourselves. I don’t want to take up all of his spare time—I’m sure he wants to spend time with his girlfriend,” I rushed out, seeing Josh’s face fall at my comment. “Maybe Brody can help me? Or we could ask Mason.” After the past couple of days, I knew spending time alone with Josh at the cottage would be unbearable. The concern and care he’d expressed made the tiny flicker of hope inside me ignite into a raging fire, only to be doused when he shot medown.

“You’re still set on moving out then Sav?” my dad asked mesadly.

“I need to stand on my own two feet, for the baby’s sake.” I smiled at him. “He or she deserves a mommy who’s got her act together. I can’t raise a baby in mybedroom.”

“I’m proud of you sweetheart,” my dad said, his voice breaking. “Just know we’ll always be here for you. It took me longer than it should have to realize that.” He clapped his hands together. “Right, if you and my grandchild are going to be living in that cottage, we’re definitely going to need some help.” He turned to Josh. “Are we taking up all your spare time son? Don’t want to get you in trouble with themissus.”

“No sir, and there is no girlfriend,” Josh said, flashing me a heart-stopping smile. I raised my eyes in surprise—what did he mean he didn’t have a girlfriend? He’d seemed to have one the night before. “Happy to help,” he replied triumphantly, his eyes still locked onmine.

“Great!” my dad exclaimed. “As much as I love Brody, he’s no carpenter, and that kitchen needs some work. Whatever you need to do, doit.”

Breaking eye contact, he looked at my dad. “Actually, the kitchen is pretty much done. I’ve fixed all the loose doors, and with some new handles, the cabinets should look as good as new.” He turned to me, catching my eye. “Sav and I painted the walls yesterday, and it’s looking good, though your daughter isn’t too hot with a paintbrush. She got more on herself and me than the walls, isn’t that right?” He smirked at me, and I smirked right back, my hands going to myhips.

“If I remember correctly, it was you who got paint on me first. I was just getting you back.” He laughed and I turned to see my parents grinning atus.

“Stay for dinner Josh, it’s the least we can do after what you’ve done for Savannah.” My shoulders dropped as I heard my dad ask him. Looked like I wasn’t getting away from him any time soon. “Libby and Mason are coming for dinner as well—they have an announcement tomake.”

“As long as I’m not intruding on family time?” Joshasked.

“Don’t be silly. You’re practically family anyway, isn’t that right sweetheart?” my dad asked, looking over at me. I shot a look at my mom, who gave me a sympathetic smile before turning to Josh, who was grinning at me. I had no idea what was going on, but I was beginning to wonder if he enjoyed toying with my emotions. There was no doubt he knew how I felt about him, and he knew I’d gotten upset at the lake yet still he insisted on helping with the cottage—and now, apparently, he was staying for dinner. All I knew right then was that I needed to get away from him. I didn’t have the energy to figure out what he was playing at. I was exhausted and needed a nap beforedinner.

“Of course, you’re welcome any time Josh,” I told him, sighing loudly. I noticed the smile slip slightly from his face, although I had no idea why. I turned to my mom. “I need a nap, can you wake me when Lib gets here? I don’t want to miss thenews.”

“Of course, sweetheart. Go get some rest.” She ushered me through the door and into the house. I smiled gratefully at her before making my way toward the stairs. I turned around as I reached the first step, seeing Josh standing in the hallway, his gaze fixed on me. I shook my head as I pulled my eyes from his and headed upstairs; had I imagined what had happened that day, the touching, the hand holding, the concern he’d shown? Was I looking for something that clearly wasn’t there? My head hurt thinking about it. He was just being a concerned friend, wasn’t he? It couldn’t possibly be more than that. I hated how he had this hold over me—I’d spent two days with him and now I was right back to where I’d been six months before, obsessing over every tiny scrap of attention he showed me, hoping against hope that he’d suddenly realize he was head over heels in love with me and couldn’t possibly live withoutme.

“Urghhhh I’m so pathetic!” I exclaimed, flopping down onto my bed. My head was pounding and my hand was throbbing, and that was on top of the pain in my chest that no amount of painkillers was going to cure. The doctor in the emergency room had said I would be okay to take Tylenol if my hand was bothering me, so I dragged myself off the bed and into my bathroom, opening the cabinet in search of the tablets. I quickly found the empty box and sighed, realizing I would have to go downstairs if I wanted some. I decided I could cope with the pain; it seemed less painful than bumping into Joshdownstairs.

I padded back into my bedroom, attempting to remove my top as I went. It was fairly difficult with one hand but I eventually managed it, as well as kicking off my blood-stained shorts. Exhausted, I crawled under the comforter in just my bra and panties; I’d get dressed after I slept. I pulled the comforter around me and my eyes closed as soon as my head hit thepillow.

Iwokeup to someone gently shaking my shoulder. “Savannah, wake up, Libby and Mason are here.” My eyes flew open as I recognized the voice and I sat up, dragging the comforter withme.

“Josh! What are you doing in here?” I exclaimed, frantically trying to rearrange the comforter so my nearly naked body was covered. I watched as his eyes dropped to my hands and I stilledthem.

He looked up and his gaze met mine. “You wanted to be woken up when Libby and Mason arrived,” he said matter-of-factly, a small smile tugging at hislips.

“Yeah,by my mom. I’m wearing next to nothing underhere.”

“I noticed,” he said, his eyes dropping back to the comforter. “You weren’t exactly covered up when I camein.”

“Oh my God! Why didn’t you knock?” I hissed, and he held his hands up tome.

“I did, you didn’tanswer.”

“No shit! I wasasleep.”

“Savannah, I’ve seen you in a bikini a million times—what’s the difference?” he asked, a stupid smirk forming on hisface.

“It’s different and you know it.” Ihuffed.

“Don’t get all moody on me Van,” he chuckled, his hands reaching out to tickle me through the comforter. I shot backward at his touch, the comforter slipping from my hands and exposing my bra and tiny bump. I felt my face flush as I scrambled around to cover myself. “You look beautiful,” he whispered, his eyes burning intomine.

“You’ve got to be kidding! That’s the second time in as many days that you’ve told me I look beautiful!” I exclaimed, anger radiating off me. I watched as his eyes widened in surprise. “Is this beautiful?” I asked him, dropping the comforter and placing my hand on my bare stomach. “I’m pregnant, Josh, by a man I don’t even know.” I closed my eyes. “Don’t tell me I’m beautiful,” Imurmured.

“You think I don’t know that?” he shouted as he closed his eyes and shook his head. “You think it doesn’t kill me, knowing I pushed you into another man’s arms…” He trailed off. “If I hadn’t been such anidiot—”

“I’m a grown woman, you’re not responsible for my mistakes,” I said, cutting himoff.

He sighed. “I talked to Brody—I know you stopped coming out with us because ofme.”

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