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“But the contract-“

“Fuck the contract!” I shout while throwing up my hands. “You have to find someplace else to stay. Isn’t that what you wanted anyway?”

Rachel looks at Hunter and Lucas. “And you both agree to this?”

I watch my bros, wondering if they will go back on their word, but instead they both nod their heads solemnly.

Rachel inhales a deep, shuddering breath. “I see.” She sniffs. “Okay. Fine. I’ll have my things moved out tomorrow.”

“I can help you,” Hunter says quickly, taking a step towards her.

Rachel scoffs while she picks up her things and strides towards her bedroom door. “You can go fuck yourself, Hunter. You can all go fuck yourselves,” she says before slamming her door.



I blink my swollen eyes while I stare around my now empty room. I stayed up the whole night crying and after not being able to get to bed, I spent the rest of it packing up my things. To think I actually hated this room when I first moved in, and now all I want to do is throw a big hissy fit, fling myself into the bed and refuse to budge.

I release a shuddering sigh. I’m about to cry again, but I push it down. I need to leave this place with my dignity intact. I can’t let Seth think that he won. That he finally broke me. I swallow a sob as I remembering asking him:are you still going to be mean to me after this?A part of me feels like laughing at the foreshadowing. Of course he’s going to be mean to me. It’s Seth. He’s always been cruel to me.

Looking back on last night I actually feel a bit bad for Hunter. I don’t think he actually wanted to leave. The way I spoke to him was cruel. After all, he just wanted to help. I wasn’t in any mood to accept help. I’m going to miss him.

And I hate to admit it. I think I’m actually going to miss all of them. Even Seth. Although I have no clue why.

I hear my phone buzz and see that it’s Josh: HERE. WAITING FOR YOU OUTSIDE. I smile at the message before tucking my phone into my jean pocket. Amongst the crying and the packing I also messaged Charlie, Lauren, and Josh about the whole ordeal. Charlie was actually shocked I was being kicked out. Lauren felt so bad for me. Josh offered me his couch, which was actually a good start. After a couple more days of crying I can look for an apartment to move into. Hopefully an apartment with girls. Nice girls.

I drag my suitcase behind me and through the apartment, trying to ignore the doors I pass to get to the front. No one comes out to say anything. I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not like we actually had anything. I leave my keys on the counter and open the door. The suitcase plops on each stair as I go down. Out of the corner of my eye I think I see Seth in the distance, running back to the apartment. Must be a training day for him.

Ignore it, I tell myself while smiling at Josh waiting for me on the sidewalk.

“You got everything?” He asks, taking one of my suitcases.

I nod. “I think so.” I take one last look at the apartment, then turn and follow Josh down the sidewalk.


I groan as I shuffle in through the door. It’s been a long week and sleeping on Josh’s couch has felt like torture. I miss having a proper bed to roll around in. And some privacy. Josh’s apartment is so small compared to my old place. And we have to share the key. Not to mention, his roommate recently broke up with his girlfriend and rather than going out and drinking until the early hours of morning, like the bros, all he’s wanted to do is obsess over her previous text messages and try to understand what it all meant and if there were any hidden messages in the current ones. Because, you know, women are complex.

I drop my bag down next to the couch and plop myself into it. Women aren’t that complex. Honestly, I don’t think any of her messages had any secrecy written in between the lines. I think she just wanted to be rid of him, but how can I tell Josh’s roommate that without sounding like a jerk? I had my own things to go through and relationship advice was not my strong suit.

I lean back against the cushions and sigh while staring up at the ceiling. It’s Friday night and I wonder what the bros are getting up to. Not like it’s any of my business. I wonder if they are passing Millie around. If they miss me at all or maybe they’re just happy to be rid of me. Maybe they can move another bro in and have a big orgy. Maybe they’re using my old room as the orgy room.

I push my hair away from my face. It’s not my problem anymore. I take out my phone and wonder if I should message Charlie and Lauren. They invited me to a party earlier today. At the time, I wasn’t interested. I was actually wanting to drown my sadness with some ice cream and old rom coms, but now that I was back in this hell hole, I kinda wanted to escape.

I should be more grateful.

It’s really nice that Josh is allowing me to stay here during all this. I’m sure it’s a big hindrance to him as well since he can’t use the living room and kitchen however he wants. I’ve been trying to look into apartments so I don’t have to inconvenience him anymore, but everything is all taken. There’s nothing available until at least January, and all those places look shady.

“Hey,” says Josh while coming out of his room. “What are you up to? Did you just get home?”

I nod. “Yeah. Nothing much. Just worrying about life.”

He chuckles and sits down next to me. “It’s Friday night. Worry about life later.”

I smile at him. “Are you up to anything tonight?”

He shrugs. “Roommate is gone so I want to take advantage of the silence.”

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