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It’s also nice to be away from Seth.

Ever since our night together, things have been strange. It’s like he keeps avoiding me and I have no clue what to think about that. That night was amazing. He was amazing. But now he’s just treating me as if I’m some sort of leper. Honestly, I really can’t be surprised. Seth has never proven himself to be anything more than an asshole.

Although, he did help me with my photography project.

But everything seems to be on edge now. Lucas and him seem to be in this ongoing war, yet there’s no yelling. No hitting. Nothing to actually show that they are mad at each other. But the energy has changed. They don’t talk to each other and both of them cast each other dark looks when they think I’m not looking.

It also doesn’t help that Hunter is still going out drinking. He comes in so late in the morning, completely trashed and spends his days sleeping rather than going to classes. At least he’s nicer to me. And picks up after himself these days. But I’m really worried about him. I had hoped my little talk with him would help, but it seems like all he got out of it was a kiss. I really don’t know what else I can do to help him.

Lucas’s boat docks and he jumps outside, helping his crew drag it out of the water and back onto land. I watch him speak with his coach. His strong hands shake his opponents. It’s a typical autumn day, yet he’s only wearing shorts and a long sleeved shirt, which hugs his muscled, perfect body. He’s very hot. So totally hot. Hunter and Seth are hot, as well, but Lucas looks like a freaking European model. Meanwhile, here I am, standing in jeans and a leather jacket, wondering if I should have brought me big fluffy scarf.

He strides over to me, slicking his wet hair back with a smile that should be criminal. I try to think of something, anything to say to him. Unfortunately, I have no clue what just happened in his rowing meet thingy. So I smile and say, “That was great.”

“Did you get anything useful?” He asks while pointing at my camera.

I nod dumbly and pick it up as if I just noticed I was carrying it. “Yeah, I got several great shots. Did you, um, win?”

He chuckles and wipes the water from his face with his shirt. “Yeah, you could say that. Do you need any other photos?”

I flip through the display on my camera seeing pictures of him holding the Nuun bottle, putting the powder into his water bottle, drinking it, swell as several photos of him rowing. “I’ll just need a close up photo of you and some questions answered for the blog,” I say while smiling at him, hoping I don’t look like a complete idiot.

He nods. “Sounds good. We could go rowing. Might make for a better picture.”

“Are you sure? You’re not tired?”

Lucas shakes his head. “Not at all.” He looks up at the sky. “It’s a beautiful day. Would be a shame to waste it.”

I nod and follow him towards a smaller boat in the dock. He helps me inside and I sit on the seat as he enters, holding onto the rims as the boat rocks with his weight. He grabs the paddles and rows us out into the middle of the river. “So, what questions do you need answered for your little blog?” He asks while I take a few close up pictures of him.

I look at the display and smile at what I see. He really is handsome. “What got you into rowing?”

Lucas shrugs while he paddles. “It was just something to do. My parents are the fancy type. I wasn’t really into polo or football. So I chose rowing.” He turns towards me and smiles. “It relaxes me.”

I nod. “Yeah, Seth said something similar about running.”

Lucas halts his rowing and leans towards me. My breath hitches as he smirks down at me. He really is handsome. “So, what exactly is going on between you and Seth?”

I swallow. I have no clue how to answer that question, because I don’t even know myself. “Nothing,” I say, looking away and pulling my jacket closer around me.

“One minute the both of you are fighting and the next you’re sharing photos as if you’re besties.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “The same could be said about you.”

Lucas scoffs. “Hardly.”

“One minute you’re mean to me and the next you’re kissing me.”

Lucas pokes my nose and says, “You mean you’re kissing me.”

I shrug. “Well, you weren’t pushing me away.”

Lucas chuckles and leans in closer, the paddles completely forgotten. “Would you push me away if I kiss you now?”

A part of me tells me to stop this. I just slept with Seth. I don’t need to be playing around with Lucas. But then I hear Charlie in my head, her words echoing over and over again:just enjoy your time with them and see where it goes. There’s nothing wrong with having a little harem for yourself.My eyes rake down Lucas’s form, taking in his big strong arms, his built torso, and I wonder how it would feel to be in his arms.Charlie really is a bad influence.

I lean towards him, my nose lightly stroking his. “I don’t think so,” I whisper, my gaze dipping down to his lips.

It’s slow at first. The soft press of lips against lips and it feels as if he’s breathing me in. A hand comes to stroke my cheek while the other is pulling me closer. I turn my head, my mouth opening. I moan as his tongue slips inside. My hands wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. He moans and pushes one leg open so I’m straddling his torso. I pull him down over me, moaning and gasping as the kiss grows with need. He strokes my arms, massaging my shoulders while I grind myself against him, igniting more moans from his lips. My hands play with his waistband while his travel underneath my shirt, sliding underneath my bra to fondle my breasts. My back arches and I gasp with wanton need.

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