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I wonder what Rachel would look like in thigh high boots,I think while unlocking the door and entering. I pause in the doorway as I hear moaning sounds coming from down the hall. I smirk.Studying huh?I think while I glance at Seth’s door. I stride towards it, trying to listen in and figure out who it is, but I frown when I realize it’s not coming from Seth’s room. And it can’t be Hunter since he’s still at the party, drowning his pain in pills and booze like usual.

I glance down the hall, my eyes widening as I realize the girl screaming her pleasure isn’t one of Seth’s girls, but is in fact Rachel.Who the hell is fucking her?I scowl, thinking of the four-eyes she brought to the tailgate.

Oh please, anyone but that.

I knock on Seth’s door, wondering if he saw or heard anyone enter the apartment while I was away. I mean, its fine and all for Rachel to invite over whomever she wants. It’s her home, too. But I can’t help but worry she’s hooking up with someone who’s just going to hurt her.

I shake my head. What the fuck am I thinking? I’m not Rachel’s guardian angel. I’m barely her roommate. I knock again when no one answers and wait. Something isn’t right about this situation. I open Seth’s door slightly, the door squeaking on its hinges. I expect to see Seth passed out on his bed. Probably with some chick. But no one is there. And his phone is on his desk. He’d never leave home without that thing superglued to his hand. I look down the hall again. The moans are getting louder. My eyes widen.No, it can’t be.The guy is moaning now and I grimace.Could it? Is Seth really in there with Rachel?I scowl as the guy continues to groan, his tone growing more frantic and I realize that it sounds a lot like Seth.

But why? He hates Rachel.

I waltz over towards Rachel’s door and stare at it. She’s screaming her release while the guy I suspect to be Seth shouts his. I don’t know why I am just staring there, listening to this when I should just go back to my room. I have half the notion to knock on the door. Another part of me wants to storm in there and drag Seth off of her.

Although, I should be glad it’s him and not four-eyes.

I sigh and shake my head, striding to my room. With one last glance at Rachel’s door, I enter and shut the door behind me with a soft click. I go to my bed, dumping myself in it and leaning back on the pillows.

But there’s no way I can sleep.

1Really, I should be happy Seth is with Rachel. I’ve been wanting to hook up with her since we kissed. Every time I recalled that strange day I couldn’t help but feel aroused. Herlips had been so soft. She had felt so good in my arms. And I wondered what it would feel like to go all the way with her. If it would feel even better than Millie.

I’m sure Seth will give us all the dirty little details. I’ll probably get a message from him soon and Hunter and I can have our turn.

I scowl as I think of Hunter having his way with her. She’s a free woman. Neither of us have any claim to her. However, I don’t know how I feel aboutsharingher with Hunter and Seth. In fact, I really, really don’t want to share her. The thought worries me, since we built these bro rules on the idea that bitches wouldn’t come in the way of our friendship.

But possibly Rachel just might.

I hear the door open and realize it’s probably Seth leaving Rachel’s room.

“So, goodnight,” I hear Seth, which only makes my mood darken.

“Goodnight,” I hear Rachel whisper.

I imagine her wearing his track shirt as she says the words, which only makes me angrier. The door closes and I hear Seth pad back to his room. And then I wait. I pull out my phone, wondering just what he will say. If she’s the best thing he’s had all year or a boring fuck. I continue staring at my phone, flipping through social media as I wait, but the bastard hasn’t texted anything. Nothing at all.

I restart my phone, wondering vaguely if he sent it and my phone is just acting funny. Really, that wouldn’t make any sense, but I don’t want to think of the implications of Seth not sending us that text. My phone turns on and I type in the passcode. And then I wait.

I wait.

And I wait.

I open my eyes, not realizing I had closed them. Already the morning rays shine in through my window. But I could care less about morning and the fact that I barely slept at all last night. I search for my phone, finding it face down on my floor. I grimace. The screen is cracked from having fallen. Just wonderful. I wonder about trading it in at the nearest shop while I quickly type in the passcode. I smile when I see I’ve missed a message and quickly press on the app.

I frown.

It’s from Millie.


I roll my eyes and search for Seth’s name. Nothing. He sent nothing. The last message was from yesterday, demanding I get pizza. I stand and groan. My head pounds and the world sways, which won’t help me at all for today. And I have rowing practice later, which makes me feel even more miserable. I stumble into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water, guzzling it down while Seth slams the door shut, strutting in and sweating from his morning run.

I smirk at him, waiting for the inevitable.Maybe he will just tell me in person,I think, trying to be reasonable.Maybe Rachel exhausted him so much last night that he just passed out.The thought leaves me with a very dirty image of Rachel riding Seth so hard her bed breaks, which annoys me more than it should. “Morning,” I say casually, despite the prickle of annoyance brimming.

Seth nods at me, gasping while he grabs for a cup and downs several gulps of water. “Morning,” he says between mouthfuls. “How was the party? Did you hook up with Millie?”

I shrug. “Party was pretty boring.” I don’t want to admit to him I turned Millie down. I don’t want him knowing whatever is going through my pathetic little head. Especially since I don’t even understand what is happening in there. “What did you get up to last night?”

Seth downs another glass of water. I notice he doesn’t even bother looking at me as he answers, “Nothing. Just studied and went to bed early.”

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