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I giggle over my mocha. “Very fancy.”

“Hey, Rachel.” I jump and glance to my left, seeing Josh hovering above us with his hands stuffed into his jean jacket. He shifts awkwardly from foot to foot and glances between me and Seth. My eyes widen as I realize what he’s already suspecting.

It’s not a date, I want to shout, but before I can say anything Seth says, “What the fuck do you want?”

My mouth is still open when I look at Seth, my eyes already narrowing into a scowl.

“Oh, um, nothing,” says Josh, looking at the floor. “I just wanted to say hello is all.”

“Well, you’ve said it,” says Seth, rolling his shoulders back while scowling up at Josh. It’s like he’s trying to make himself taller like a grizzly bear about to attack. “Now go away.”

I shake my head. “I’m so sorry, Josh.”

“How’s your project coming along?” asks Josh, smiling shyly back at me and thankfully ignoring everything coming out of Seth’s stupid mouth.

“It’s going great,” says Seth. “Now beat it.”

“Seth, shut it,” I say. “Its fine, Josh. I’ll talk about it with you at study session next week.”

Josh beams and nods. “Sounds great. I’ll see you there.” He waves at me before grabbing his to-go cup from the counter and striding out of the cafe. I watch him go, wishing I can run along with him right about now rather than stay with this jerk who seems to think he’s better than everyone around him.

A jerk, who’s a very good kisser,a dark voice reminds me.

I ignore that idiotic though and scowl at Seth. “Why are you such an asshole?”

“I don’t like the guy,’ says Seth while watching something through the window.Probably some hot girl not wearing a bra,I think while rolling my eyes. “There’s something off about him.”

I shake my head. “You know what. Forget about me and the jock crowd. You also have an attitude towards us artistic folk.”

Seth makes a face. “I do not.”

I nod. “You sure do. You probably think all of us are prissy.”

“Well, you are,” he says while gesturing towards me. “Your very attitude wreaks of snobbery.”

I point at him. “See this is the problem. You should be nicer to us artists. Not all of us are uppity.”

Seth rolls his eyes. “And why would I do that?”

I shrug before taking another sip from my mocha. “I’ll give running a try if you give art a try.”

“Where would I even begin with that? There’s absolutely nothing about art I would enjoy.”

“Photography,” I say while shaking the camera at him. “You love Aurora so much you could try photographing it. You do know all the best places. And wouldn’t it be great to capture your college life while you still can?”

Seth shakes his head. “I don’t even have a camera.”

“I can loan you one,” I say, my whole body brimming with excitement. “I have so many different cameras. Just promise me,” I say, lifting one finger, “no dick pics.”

Seth smirks. “If you give running a chance, I’ll give photography a chance,” he says while holding his hand out to me.

“Deal,” I say, smiling and grabbing his hand, giving it a firm shake.


Why am I doing this? I wonder when I wake up the next morning at an ungodly hour. It’s Sunday. S-U-N-D-A-Y. No one should be up at this time. Especially after waking up at five the morning before. I groan, blinking my eyes to try to keep them open. The sun hasn’t even risen and here I am shrugging into my leggings and stuffing my feet into tennis shoes. I don’t even have a sports bra. I guess a normal bra will just have to do for now. I throw on a grey sweater over it all and hope it’s enough to keep me warm from the outdoors.

I open my door, seeing Seth standing in front of it, his hand in a fist like he was going to knock on it. He slowly lowers it and looks me up and down. A shiver goes down my spine. It feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes. I am instantly reminded of the last time he stood here at my door and a part of me wants to tug him inside and go back to bed.

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