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Lucas comes up behind Seth and grabs his shoulder. “Let’s go check it out.”

“I’m coming too,” I say, following them onto the stairs and down the bleachers.

Seth and Lucas look at each other before shrugging in unison and continuing down the stairs. They move quickly, easily through the crowds whereas I have to push through in order to keep up. Seth waits for me at the bottom of the staircase and grabs my hand, pulling me behind him. “Geez, you are annoying,” I hear him mutter. I follow him around the field until I come upon Hunter on the stretcher, holding his shoulder and moaning.

“Fuck, Hunter, what did you do?” Seth asks.

“Got hit in my bad shoulder,” Hunter growls. His eyes are clamped shut, his hair wet and sticking to his sweaty face. “I think my hand is broken. Can one of you call my mom? She said she would be watching the game. I don’t want her to worry.”

“On it,” says Lucas, already taking out his cellphone.

Why does Lucas have Hunter’s mother’s phone number?

“What hospital are you taking him to?” asks Seth.

“University of Colorado,” says the medical technician. “Don’t worry. At the worst it’s just a fracture.”

“Fuck!” Shouts Hunter as they push him into the ambulance.

I watch the ambulance drive away. “I want to go,” I hear Seth say.

Lucas shakes his head. “You’ve been underage drinking. Not the best place to be. I’ll go and call you if anything’s up.” He nods towards me. “You better take her home.”

Seth and I watch Lucas walk away with the cellphone pressed to his ear.

“Hello, Ms. Smith?” I hear Lucas say as he walks away. “Yes. Yes. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. I’m on my way there now.”


The walk home is quiet. I kick an empty red cup ahead of me, walk two steps, and then kick it again. I hope Charlie and Lauren aren’t too upset with me for bailing. I messaged them earlier, but I still haven’t received a response. Maybe they are at some after party.

What a day.

I still feel the effects of the booze, yet I’m walking in a straight line and my head doesn’t seem so discombobulated. Nothing is quite as fun as it once was. I really hope Hunter is okay, which is weird since the guy has been an asshole to me since I first moved in.

Still, I don’t like seeing someone get hurt. I shiver, remembering the way he looked on that stretcher.As if he was trying to keep everything in, but deep down all he wanted to do was shatter.

I watch Seth unlock the door, throwing it open. It bangs on the wall and I shuffle inside, depositing myself on the couch like a sack of potatoes. I lean my head back and sigh. Home sweet home. Seth sits down next to me and doesn’t say anything. He turns on the TV and flips through the channels, running through all fifty of them before repeating again. I grab the remote from him and change it to some reruns of Buffy.

Once again, he doesn’t say anything.

I sigh and try to focus on Buffy run after vampires and stake them in the chest rather than Hunter lying on a hospital bed. I’m surprised to glance over and see Seth watching.I thought he would’ve left by now. His head turns and he meets my gaze. His hair is sticking up all over the place and I’m tempted to push it back down. It’s weird he can be sexy when he looks so unkempt.

I narrow my eyes when I see a smirk overcoming him, knowing what he’s about to say is going to annoy the crap out of me. “So, how was it?”

“How was what, Garcia?”

“Your first kiss.”

I roll my eyes. “What is this? A girl’s sleepover? Are we having a bonding moment here?”

Seth scoffs. “Your first kiss with Lucas.”

I shake my head and set my gaze on the TV screen. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I mutter.

“Yeah, I would.”


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